Warning: this post is a little emotional and long.. I want to - TopicsExpress


Warning: this post is a little emotional and long.. I want to take a second to rewind time back to two years ago. We were living in Fl, I just had a my second child, we were still trying to get on our feet after moving from NY, my husband worked 50+ hours a week AND was a full time student AND an editor on the school paper (basically, he was gone all the time with work and school) and I was DEPRESSED. Seriously depressed. I was struggling with adjusting to life, I was unhappy with where I was at, how I was feeling, how I looked, who I was around... everything. One day, I woke up and decided that I wanted to feel better. I was on pinterest, and just randomly stumbled upon a post about this amazing woman and her weightloss journey and she shared her story with so many people, and I just felt so inspired and comforted by knowing that I wasnt alone... and that was all it took. That woman changed my life. She was the inspiration and motivation that I needed to pick myself up and DO BETTER. So I did. I reached out to her, we became friends and she helped me in more ways than I can ever explain to you guys- both physically and mentally. She provided me a safe place to become who I wanted to be and to work toward my goals without judgement, and she supported me through everything. The truth though, is that it wasnt always easy or perfect. Sometime about 6 months into my journey, I hit another bottom. We had just moved to CT from Florida, and I was terribly lonely. I had no friends, no way of making them and just like before Jared was working like a madman and in school PLUS doing an internship in the city that took him away from us the only time he had off... I was completely alone with both kids in a place I didnt know. I was miserable. Again. I was taking classes online to finish my AA, but the stress of the schoolwork just made it worse. I was so unhappy. There were days that I would just sit and cry and cry and cry. I felt bad because I wasnt the mom or wife that I wanted to be, and I wanted so badly to make it better. And so now the story changes again. One day, something in me sparked, and It changed everything.. again. I was so tired of feeling like shit that I FINALLY decided to do something about it. I took advantage of the few opportunities that were presented to me, and I began to work on myself again. I started working out consistently (I had gained almost 20 lbs), I got accepted into my school of choice and made a friend! (Love you Amanda Rodriguez!!!) and I started to get my shit together. Last year was a major growing experience for me, and I am so thankful for it. At the beginning of this year, my sweet friend Laura J Hemmings reached out to me about the opportunity to start coaching again. It was honestly a no brainer for me. I love sharing my story as well as finding out about others, and being that motivation, inspiration and FRIEND to those people who just need it. Ive been there before. Ive been the one looking for support from someone who just understands, from someone who is willing to accept you at whatever point you are at now and help you with your goals. I remember what it feels like to be the one sending that email asking for help, and how vulnerable I felt in all of those moments, and I LOVE more than anything that I can pay it forward for others the same way that it was done for me. There is nothing greater in this life (with the exception of your children and family) than knowing that you made a difference to someone. I mean, isnt that our goal? To make a difference, to have an impact on someone? To maybe save their life? Lately Ive been getting a lot of emails from people telling me how much Ive helped them, how much I inspire them and that they are thankful for my help/advice.. and I honestly cant say enough about how that makes me feel. Sometimes this job can be stressful, but man is it worth it. There seriously is no greater feeling than the one of knowing youve helped someone. Ive had the opportunity to reconnect with people that I NEVER thought I would talk to ever again, not to mention the beautiful people that I meet daily that I would have never had an opportunity to meet without all of this... and just that alone makes this all worth it.. My whole point of this entire post is to just tell you all thank you. Some of you have been here the whole time, and might even remember my darker days when I was still in FL or had just moved to CT, and I thank you for all your love and encouragement through those tough days.. Some of you are new friends that have only met me recently, and I thank you for bringing more light into my life, as I truly believe I am lucky to meet you all. We all have a story, we all have a journey, and Im just here to show you that I understand, that I KNOW its not always easy and to support you and be your friend through whatever you allow me to be. Our struggles may not always be the same, but I understand that we all have them, and I thank you for helping me get through mine, as well as allowing me to be there for you!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 14:36:02 +0000

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