Warning: you will read through this list and say, “I know that - TopicsExpress


Warning: you will read through this list and say, “I know that already” to some of the items. But remember: it doesn’t matter what you know. It matters what you do. So don’t just internalize and think about this stuff. Actually do it. Tonight. 1. MAKE YOUR ROOM COLD. For most guys, the ideal temperature for sleep is somewhere between 60 and 68 degrees F. You’ll have to experiment to find what feels good, but the first sign of good sleep is a chilly bed. If you shiver when you get underneath the sheets, you’re good to go. Do This Tonight: Set your thermostat to somewhere in the mid-sixties. If you can’t control the temperature of your room, aim a portable fan directly at your bed and don’t sleep with a heavy comforter. 2. MAKE YOUR ROOM AS QUIET AS POSSIBLE. White noise like a fan can help with sleep, but exposure to things like traffic noise has been shown to decrease overall sleep quality. It’s hard to drift off when people are arguing and blaring their horns outside your place. Do This Tonight: Use a fan for white noise. Consider grabbing some ear plugs if things are really noisy. If you live with roommates or family, tell everyone to keep it down. 3. MAKE YOUR ROOM DARK. REALLY DARK. Even a tiny amount of light can interfere with melatonin production and impair your sleep. Do This Tonight: Turn off any electronic devices with LED’s or cover the lights with a small piece of electrical tape. Hang a blanket or towel over your bedroom window if light creeps in. Consider buying blackout curtains. 4. DITCH THE CELL PHONE. Radiation emitted from cell phones can increase the amount of time required to reach deep sleep cycles and decrease the amount of time spent in those cycles. Do This Tonight: If you’re using your cell phone as an alarm clock, stop. Replace it with a normal battery powered clock and turn your phone off or plug it in somewhere outside of your bedroom to charge overnight. You’ll get the added benefit of not being distracted by the buzz of an incoming text or email. Which you shouldn’t be checking late at night anyway. 5. CONTROL RED AND BLUE LIGHT. Quick science lesson: Light waves exist along a spectrum of color. Wakefulness is triggered primarily by blue light, like midday sunshine or what’s emanating from your computer screen right now. But a warm red glow — say, from a fireplace — does almost nothing to impair sleep. That’s a good thing. Do This Tonight: Download F.lux, a free program that alters the color spectrum of your computer to mimic the patterns of sunlight in your region, allowing for healthier sleep rhythms. (It makes your computer and table screens softer and less bright as the day goes on.) 6. IMPROVE THE CORTISOL AWAKENING RESPONSE (CAR). A good way to improve your sleep quality is to strengthen the initial spike in wakefulness that occurs in the morning. In other words, the more awake you feel in the morning, the more tired you’ll feel in the evening. The best way to do this is to expose your body to natural sunlight shortly after waking for as little as ten minutes. Sunlight brings the bonus of increased vitamin D production, which is important for overall health. If natural sunlight exposure is unrealistic or you’re waking up before the sun does, artificially simulated sunlight can work, too. (And yes, it’s fine that only your eyes are being exposed.) There are a lots of lights and alarm clocks that you can use for this. Some of them turn on gradually, like a pleasant sunrise, and others come on suddenly and engulf you in an impossible to sleep through blue light death ray (which is what I use). Finally, remember that vitamin D is what your body normally produces in response to sunlight and that this is tied into your wakefulness patterns. So if you’re supplementing vitamin D, try taking it in the morning. Do This Tomorrow Morning: Get some sunlight — or something resembling sunlight — first thing when you wake up. Pop 5,000 IU of Vitamin D3, too. 7. SET A SCHEDULE AND STICK TO IT. This one can take some discipline, but it’s worth it: Wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Your body can’t establish an effective rhythm if you don’t allow it to normalize to a pattern. If you stay up late, don’t sleep in. Instead, plan on going to bed a little earlier the next night. The sleep you get before midnight will be more valuable than the sleep you get after midnight, so always think in terms of making up for lost sleep by going to bed early the next night rather than sleeping in. Do This Tonight: Pick a time to go to bed and wake up. Stick to it for at least 2 weeks before altering. 8. ESTABLISH A SLEEP RITUAL. Once you find out what helps you sleep the most consistently, develop it into a consistent ritual so that as soon as you’re an hour away from bedtime you’re already on a reliable path to good sleep. Do This Tonight: Try the 10 steps in this article and pick the ones that work for you. Then practice them every night for the next two weeks. 9. READ FOR 15 MINUTES BEFORE BED. Avoid intellectually stimulating fare and use this time for “candy” reading. It will reduce mental chatter and allow you to relax and let go of the day’s preoccupations. “Candy” reading, by the way, is whatever you normally wouldn’t read. So if you normally read non-fiction, try reading fiction. If you prefer to read fiction, try reading some history or something. And if you normally don’t read anything at all, slap yourself in the face for wasting your brain. Do This Tonight: Pick up a book you wouldn’t normally read. Fiction suggestion: The Art of Fielding. Non-Fiction suggestion: Guns, Germs, and Steel. 10. GET A GOO
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 05:43:47 +0000

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