Warnings From The Other World To the Contemporary - TopicsExpress


Warnings From The Other World To the Contemporary Church (Confessions of Hell) PART 5 Confess Harder A literal text of the revelations made by the demons Akabor, Allida, Judas Iscariot, Veroba and Beelzebub, during a series of exorcisms Imprimatur: + Archbishop Stanley Monaghan The book essentially exposes the remarks and gestures made by a possessed woman in Switzerland during 1975-1978. Speaking through the possessed woman, the demons were forced to tell the truth by Our Lady under the Solemn Church Exorcism, which was witnessed by the following priests who have all expressed their conviction of the authenticity of the revelations made by the demons upon the order of the Blessed Virgin. 1. Abbot Albert-l`Arx, Niederbuchorten 2. Abbot Arnold Elig, Ramiswil 3. Abbot Ernest Fischer, Missionary, Gossau (St.-Gall). 4. Rev. Father Pius Gervasi, O.S.B., Disentis 5. Abbot Karl Holdener, Ried 6. Rev. Father Gregoire Meyer, - Trimbach 7. Rev. Father Robert Rinderer, C.P.P.S., Auw 8. Abbot Louis Veillard, Cerneux-Pequignot All eight priests are Swiss, except Father E. Fischer, a German. All participated in the exorcisms except Father G. Meyer who was spiritual director of the possessed woman. Two other French priests also participated in the exorcisms. THE BEGINNING OF THE CHURCH B: During the cursed beginnings of the Church, I was kept quiet. The Blessed Virgin and the Apostles were responsible for this. Her role in particular (he points upward) was the determining one; it was crucial to an extraordinary degree. She subdued us. Often she prayed day and night for the Apostles, so that they might carry out their mission correctly. So that we would not be able to defeat the Apostles, she often prayed day and night. She frequently remained on her knees, day and night, without eating (anxious grumbling); that is why she now has such far-reaching power. These are lofty truths, which we are being forced to tell you now. We would prefer this little book to be published without this part (he howls like a dog). E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name...! B: You could have made this little book several months ago, without this exorcism. We dont want to say it, dont want to...and we dont want to speak any more. I, Beelzebub, do not want to speak any more. E: You, Beelzebub, must continue to speak, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in the name of the Immaculate Virgin! B: So she said she wanted to efface herself. It was entirely through humility that she wanted this. She did not want in any way to appear in the forefront, although she was a powerful creature. Even we have to acknowledge that. She was and she is far above us, far above your Angels. And when I say “far”, that does not signify a distance (measurable) in leagues,[85] but a distance that becomes lost in infinity; it means so far above that there is a gigantic distance between the Angels and her (he wails). She is a terribly majestic creature, and yet she wanted to withdraw herself. She wanted this in order to show men how they also should (he mutters), how they also should be humble. But men do not do it. What they achieve is not the least grain of sand compared with what she has accomplished, and with what has been done thanks to her. E: Tell the truth, in the name...! B: Although men cannot accomplish anything and are nothing on their own, they still want to be talked about, much more than this creature, predestined from eternity, wanted to be talked about. Therefore she withdrew from the limelight. But that was a great advantage for us. From that moment on, the sects could be born (wicked laughter), and they would not recognize this creature. If she had said, without reservation, what she was, and if the Apostles had written of the great miracles that took place through her intercession, and if that had been contained in the Gospels, then those sects would not have flourished like weeds (he wails). Thousands of sects have appeared: there are among them many who attack the Blessed Virgin savagely, and who attack Catholics solely because they give recognition to this predestined creature. They attack this woman because they believe that with this course of action (by Catholics) Christ is overshadowed. However, she has done nothing but serve Christ.[86] She praised her Son to the skies; everything that she has done has been done only for Him and for the Church. She excluded herself completely. This was a great thing for us. But by doing so, she gave a lesson in humility and this was a great shame for us. But only Catholics are aware of that. Through love of her Son she wished to exclude herself, so that her Son might reign supreme. Even in regard to her suffering, she accepted only a role in the background, and one that was no larger than absolutely necessary. Yet the Apostles were bound to have seen how humble she was, the extraordinary way in which she foresaw things, what she suffered, what she had to bear with and endure. She is given much too little prominence in the Gospels. What if she had been less humble? However, we were in lucks way and the result was the birth of the sects. Nevertheless, their birth had to be allowed by God. K: In the name of the Father... of the Immaculate Conception, of the Mystical Rose, you must now speak the complete truth, Beelzebub! B: From then onwards, the sects were born. They thought that Mary was only a character on the fringe, and that she had been chosen only in passing as a receptacle for Him up there (he points upward) and after that she could very well go away like an old... I am not permitted to use the word. E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name...! B: We are refined. We do not use very bad words. It is only the human demons who say them. We are more refined than they (he swaggers about). I must tell you something else, which has just come to mind. When Judas had to speak on October 31, it wasnt he who laughed through the mouth of this woman (the possessed). Judas absolutely never laughs. As we have already said on previous occasion, Judas is in the most gloomy corner. He is despair personified. When Judas had to speak, it wasnt he who was laughing through this woman. It was the other human demons who were laughing - laughing with wicked joy (he cries). You should note this too - Judas never laughs. He is utter despair. He never laughs. We had to add this -this remark is part of the whole Judas business of October 31 (1975). E: And now, what else have you still to say? Continue, by order of the Blessed Virgin and the Most Holy Trinity! B: Yes, the charlatan...if only things were not the way they are, and we could say more about her...[87] Now I have come to the central point...but I dont want to say that, I dont want to. E: Beelzebub, speak, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. ANNE-CATHERINE EMMERICH AND MARY OF JESUS, OF AGREDA B: On the subject of the beginnings of the Church, I have to repeat that the Gospels contain very little about the Blessed Virgin. But later, great saints were inspired by Heaven, or received in visions and revelations, enlightenments on the life and work of Her up there (he points upward). One of the greatest among these is Catherine Emmerich who has not even been canonized yet! (Laugh of evil joy.) She is one of the greatest of Heavens Saints. And the second one is Mary of Jesus, from the town of Agreda. She lived in Agreda. She was an abbess. Her parents had previously retired to a convent (snarling)...they had made a vow to enter a convent. They obtained for their daughter, their favorite child, the grace of having these accursed visions. E: Speak now, in the name... speak now about this central point that you announced! B: Because the Gospels contain much too little about the Blessed Virgin, she wishes that now, particularly in the this time of confusion, reading the books of this Mary of Jesus of Agreda be recommended from the height of the pulpit. No Catholic family should be without them. They should have all the volumes (terrible cry). Originally, there was one volume; now there are, to be strictly accurate, four blue volumes, and eight volumes in the edition with red binding (snarling). E: Continue to speak, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity... in the name of the Immaculate Conception; you must speak, by her order! B: So she wants the priests to say in their sermons that these books should not be lacking in any Catholic family and that they should even be recommended to Protestants. When the readers have become acquainted with all the richness of these books, it will not be long before they understand what a... R: Continue, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity! B: ...what a chosen and predestined creature she is, a creature of such grandeur as could never be attained by man, neither in deeds nor in thoughts. The priests should lot the people know that these books, which are so instructive, should be distributed throughout the entire world and everyone should read them straight away. You will also learn from them about our disaster in all its extent and totality, and about the grandeur and dignity of this creature (his teeth are chattering), who crushes our heads. E: You must speak, in the name... of the Immaculate Conception, on this Octave of the Annunciation, you must now speak, Beelzebub, and also in the name of Saint Michael the Archangel! B: She wishes (he utters a dreadful cry)...I am speaking against my will, against my will (he roars). For all that, I still cannot withstand That Woman from up there (he points upward) if I have to withstand what the Old One (Lucifer) wants. I do not wish to speak. E: But you must speak now, in the name..., in the name of the Immaculate Conception, in the name of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin, in the name of Saint Michael the Archangel, for the Church! B: Besides, it isnt our job, it isnt our business. Our mission is to lead men astray. We do not want to direct them along the best roads. Through these books, men would indeed be rushing headlong along the best roads (he cries). E: Continue! You must speak, in the name of the Immaculate Conception, in the name of Our Lady of Mount Carmel! You have no right to lie, continue! B: Well in these books, you will learn what the Blessed Virgin has done in her life and death, and indeed before. These books are a reliable source from which to gain knowledge of Gods eternal plans, as far as man can know them, and are worthy of belief. In these hooks, the faithful will see the full details and the outcome of everything. E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name...! B: They will see in That Woman (he points upward) a universal creature. They should bow down before so much humility and dignity. We ourselves fear her; we have to surrender before such humility and such dignity... Then how much more should creatures like you men, filthy muck that you are! Youre not worth a red cent! We were far superior to you men...and how much more so is She (he points upward). E: In the name... continue! B: If you saw only a tenth of her dignity, you would immediately grovel in the dust - but I am saying that against my will. We have seen her, we were forced to see her, we had to. We dont want you to see her. We would rather you hurl yourselves down, and not up. Some of those educated men, actually those academics, should have been told about this Mary of Jesus of Agreda before they joined up with priests in opposition to the “Traditionalists”. E: Tell the truth now, in the name...! B: Even the “Traditionalists” (no matter what their method of approach are a long way, a terribly long way, from being able to capture such dignity, even if they read these books. But you must read them, in the name of God. Neither you nor laymen can pass them by any longer. You priests must announce it to the people. I have to say it once more: You must proclaim it from the height of the pulpits. That Woman up there wishes these books to be carried to the four corners of the world. Now comes the second one: Catherine Emmerich, this fawning expiator. She was always lying on her back because she was torn by pain and suffering. She didnt have much to say during her lifetime, and yet when she died, all Dulmen was ablaze. When everyone from the district came running with fire-pumps, it should have been seen as a sign from Heaven...but men are fools, men are crazy fools. What do men know? They know nothing...they are blockheads, fools to the tips of their toes... E: In the name..., tell the truth! B: Even a block of wood is more intelligent. Here and there, it produces a little green leaf. But men can produce, nothing but filth and chaff. E: Continue, tell the truth, in the name... of the Immaculate Conception, in the name of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, of Saint Michael the Archangel! B: This Catherine Emmerich had to speak for the Church. She made prophecies about the Church and prayed and suffered continually for the Church. She was suffering right from the time she was quite a small child. We used to get in such a rage against her. Even as a small child, she used to toddle around (making the Way of the Cross) and she used to imitate to the letter, the humility of That Woman up there...Ah! and the cross too, the cross, just like That Woman up there. She was a great Saint. We had a great fear of her, which is why we wanted to destroy her, but we were never successful. She always survived, so that she might suffer mortal illnesses for others, in order that they might receive the grace of conversion. She died only when Those up there (he points upward) truly wished it, so that they could take her venerable, her holy soul...it was a holy soul...to Heaven. There are many Saints in Heaven - I mean those Saints canonized by Rome - who are less holy and less great than she. Ah! How I was forced to say that! E: Yes, continue to tell the truth, in the name...! B: We considered that if she were canonized her books would be known. As long as she is not canonized, her books will not be so well received. That is also why the bishops dont want to hear about it. Perhaps one can be found who reads her, but that is of no consequence. I have to say this yet once again she is a powerful Saint in Heaven (he weeps). Her books should have been distributed to the four corners of the world a long time ago. You must proclaim it from the height of the pulpits. But now, I am saying nothing more, nothing more! (He whimpers like a dog.) E: Speak in the name..., in the name of the Immaculate Conception, of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Michael the Archangel, you must speak now! B: Among her books it is particularly the volume “Life and Death of the Venerable Catherine Emmerich”[88] which should be distributed among the people. These books should be strapped to the backs of children so that, they learn to walk with the cross which the Lord puts on their path. At the age of four years, this little Saint used to go, even at night, to make the Way of the Cross, with her small feet wounded and covered with blood, in honor of her crucified King. In the morning her mother used to have to bandage her feet. She did not know where she had been. The little one said nothing (he weeps). Catherine was a great suffering soul. It used to be very cold in her room. She accepted this as part of her poverty. Even when her sheets were frozen stiff and she was shaking with fever in this coldness, she did not ask for them to be changed. She wanted to bear her Passion and to offer it up humbly. Where are such souls still seen? Some compassionate nuns then changed the sheets for her. Catherine had not even complained; she would rather be dead from the cold. She endured everything for her crucified Lord. What she did for Him is beyond imagining. She is a powerful Saint whom we have always feared. These people who renounce self and voluntarily follow their Way of the Cross, and suffer patiently for others, are very annoying for us. There are some great Saints, who perform many miracles and who are very great in the eyes of the Lord and who can even read into peoples consciences - which, you must understand, she also did -but I am talking about those who do it very much more publicly, so much so that they attract the attention of millions, or at least thousands, of people. They are certainly great Saints also, but many, many of them cannot and do not equal her. She was a suffering, hidden, ardent soul of God. God has especially loved and glorified her and that is why He would like her to be canonized. E: Continue, in the name...! B: It is not just now, but a long time ago that she should have been canonized. It is essential that you inform people about her books and her numerous visions and revelations. It is essential that you do this through love of the bitter Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Also, she wishes it and God Himself, Jesus, wishes it. Of these books, you should give prominence to “The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ”.[89] This book too, should not be lacking in any family, above all in any family which calls itself Catholic (he sighs). But now, I dont want to speak any more! E: Yes, you must! In the name of the Father... in the name of the Immaculate, in the name of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, of Saint Michael the Archangel, of all the Holy Angels, you have to speak now, Beelzebub! B: Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin have given and allowed these great visions and revelations to these two great Saints, to this Mary of Jesus and this Catherine Emmerich, so that they would come to the knowledge of the faithful. They should accept them in their hearts, follow them, and tell others about them. This isnt bunkum, it is a treasure, a great thing which the Blessed Virgin foretold the Apostles in the past: “God will provide, Heaven will provide that my name, at the desired time, at the desired time... (he whines like a dog)... E: Tell the truth, in the name...! B: ...will yet be glorified and placed in the light, and what should be revealed about me will be revealed at its proper time”. Now, it is high time. Now we are already in the midst of the Apocalypse. And She (he points upward) is the Great Sign. That is why people must read these books, because it is in Emmerich, and more particularly in Mary of Jesus, that the Apocalypse, the Great Sign, the Virgin Mary are considered, E: Continue to tell the truth, say what you have to say on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, the Immaculate, Saint Michael the Archangel and all the Holy Angels and Archangels! B: If they were to read these books (he emits plaintive sounds), they would soon understand that the hour has come. They would understand a great part of the Apocalypse and what is written about in the Bible. What fools you are! What super-fools men are! They allow such great treasures to get lost, squandered or neglected! (Noisy laugh of wicked joy.) E: Tell the truth, in the name...! B: They allow these precious treasures of infinite value to stagnate and remain hidden. And what ought to stay hidden, they publish and display in bold type (sarcastic laugh) such as, for example, bibles which are no longer bibles and lives of saints which contain absolutely nothing of a religious nature. This kind of work is guided more from down below than from on high (sneering laughter). They are all the work of “village idiots”[90] Even a donkey or a horse is much more intelligent - it has some idea of what its master wants. But down here, on earth, they have no idea; it is only when it is far too late that they realize that there could still be something that ought to be done differently. Ah! For us, those texts of Emmerich and Agreda are accursed books which we have feared for a long time and will fear forever. We, down there, pondered for I dont know how long to see what we could do to oppose them... and men dont even read them (sarcastic laugh). Even those who call themselves good Catholics do not have them in their homes! (Prolonged, sneering laughter.) E: Tell the truth, in the name... of the Immaculate, of the most Blessed Virgin, Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Joseph and all the Choirs of Blessed Spirits! B: You should expound this to the world: All priests, all “traditionalists” and even the modernists, should proclaim from the height of the pulpits, that these books should be disseminated everywhere, as quickly as possible so that they might be read. If they were read and their contents followed, be it only in an approximate sort of a way, there would be a great number of saints (terrible howling). E: Continue, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity! B: For Emmerich had visions of the dolorous Passion of Jesus so that it could be known in a closer and deeper way, because the Gospels have recorded only fragments of it. Although the Apostles knew more about it, their accounts are very summarized. In the visions of this great Saint, there are some condensed and summarized accounts which are frightfully drawn out as far as we are concerned. One can learn from them, for example, how to have a good contrition - which plays the main part in confession. One can also learn how not to offend the Lord so much any more - the Lord Who suffered so much. His sufferings are described there in a more profound way than in any other hook (he growls). They should be displayed prominently on the shelves of all libraries, at all events, all Catholic libraries. They should be there in plentiful supply, not just a single copy. E: Beelzebub, tell us something about the hidden sufferings of Christ on Holy Thursday, in the name...! B: We do not like talking about that subject. But because it is the season of Lent, She wants at least a few sentences... E: Then speak of the hidden sufferings of Christ,[91] as you saw them; in the name...! THE PASSION OF CHRIST B: We didnt look much, we didnt want to see all that. We were flying about like arrows and injuring one another in anger and rage (he cries). Of course, we knew what was happening. We know even better now. But that Emmerich woman was shown it in a very real way. She saw, for example, that in the Garden of Olives. Our Lord Jesus Christ suffered much more terribly than can be known by imagination alone. Previously during His life, He had often sweated blood in anguish. We demons persecuted Him dreadfully in the Garden of Olives. He saw us rushing upon Him in our hideous throngs. We had the appearance of the sins that men would be committing in the future. We were hoping, through the sight of this horror, to take away from the Son of God the courage to endure His Passion. He saw an unspeakably foul, horrible sight, which brought forth a sweat of blood from His pores. Facing this monstrous obscurity and horror, He thought that His Passion, which was never just that of a man - He was also God, you understand, but at that precise moment He felt Himself only a man[92] - would not be enough to wipe out and expiate such an enormous sin. Shuddering with the violence of His suffering. He wanted to withdraw. Then came the Angel with the chalice which was meant to give Him strength. But, in actual fact, this chalice was only the acceptance of this suffering. By drinking the chalice, He confirmed that He was accepting the Passion (he sighs) and that He would drain the whole chalice to the last drop (he wails). Thanks to that, you creatures, damned dirt that you are, will one day see the Heaven which is closed to us (furious). Later on, Christ was lashed even more. At the scourging, He was lacerated and torn to the bone. When He was crucified, less than half His hair remained. Almost all had been torn out, but He turned this into good. He had very tine features, with the feet of a traveler. As a result of walking, their skin was hard and calloused. His hands were very fine-boned, much too fine to carry that dreadful cross (he cries). If we had tasted His streaming Blood, if we could have tasted only one thousandth part of it, then we also would adore Him for all eternity (he weeps). But He no longer allows us to. For us, it is too late (he sighs). Then, on the cross, when He was suspended on the cross, He did that for you. As that was being done for men, so was the fury of Hell being unleashed. When He was suspended on the cross. He was like a worm as Akabor has already said; He wasnt a man any more... for you. Why did He do that for you? He wouldnt do it for us (heart-rending wail). A worm, no longer a man - there He was, crushed by everything (he weeps). It was as if He had taken upon Himself the burden of the sins of mankind) it seemed to Him that He was the greatest of criminals. It seemed to Him that He had been abandoned and rejected by God the Father; His executioners had inflicted countless blows upon Him; they had hacked and beaten Him and left Him stretched out in His Own Blood (he growls). And He did that for you! Why were we unable to prevent it? (He weeps). If the Lord Himself has done so much for you, how much should you not make reparation for one another, to prevent any other men from coming to Hell? If He, Who was God and had no sin, achieved something so immeasurable, something that no man will ever achieve; if He took upon Himself such atrocious torments, then you should spend your whole life as if you were under the axe of martyrdom. This would not be too much for you, it would only be what you deserved. But men dont understand that. They imagine that they are meant to have a beautiful life, even if their Master has walked before them with the cross and good example, and endured such a frightful torment from Hell. What he endured was a torment from Hell, but it was not for long. We ourselves admire Him - we admire Him as we rage about His having done that for you. We would never have thought that He would undergo something so severe for such dirt. We predicted it well enough, but that it would be done in such great measure, we would never have imagined. As well as all that, I must also say that it is necessary to proclaim from the pulpits that people should especially during Lent, do penance with Christ, the Lord Jesus. He fasted for forty days, as no man has ever fasted... He too has been racked by hunger... E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, by order of the Most Holy and Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, Mary, continue to tell the truth, say what the Blessed Virgin wishes to tell us, in the name of the Archangels, Michael, Raphael and Gabriel, of all the Choirs of Angels and all the Saints in Heaven! THE CROSS AND THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS OPEN THE GATES OF HEAVEN B: ...He prepared Himself for forty days for His public life, and also for His great Sacrifice. He knew that it would be a Sacrifice as vast as the world, with a universal efficacy, which He, God, would have to offer to the Almighty, in reparation for the guilt due to sin, so that you would be able to attain the eternal vision of God. Without that, you would at best have seen Paradise (the Garden of Eden), nothing else, supposing that you could have still seen even that. Also many more men would have come to Hell because they would not have had any share in the Graces brought by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Countless graces flow from the unbloody Sacrifice of the Cross, at the offering of which the Blood of Christ flows anew. We, down there, (he points downward) hate this Sacrifice of the Mass which is celebrated every day in many churches. It is true that it is no longer celebrated properly in many of the houses of God. Formerly it was frantic for us when the true, the old Sacrifice of the Mass was offered. That is, in actual fact, the renewal of Christs Sacrifice on the Cross, which wipes out sin and obtains marvelous graces for the salvation of souls which, without it, would be lost by the thousands and would come to join us. I must say this again: you are forcing me (he sighs). I am saying nothing, I do not wish to speak any more. E: In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, of the Most Blessed Virgin and Mother of God, Mary, of the Immaculate Conception, in the name of Saint Michael the Archangel and of all the Holy Archangels, in the name of Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church, and in the name of Catherine Emmerich, tell the truth, say what the Blessed Virgin charges you to say! B: I do not wish to say it. I no longer have the right to say it. If I must speak, then you must recite again a little exorcism.[93] Lucifer is furious about this. He would like to throttle me; I shouldnt say that. If I speak any more, he is going to grab me by the neck when I arrive back down below. E: (After the recitation of the exorcism). By order of the Blessed Virgin, Lucifer has no right to do that, because you have spoken for the Church. He has no right to harm you again! B: I was a great angel, I was second in grandeur. That is why Lucifer gets in such a rage and says: “Since you are so great you ought to know that you should not say stupid things like that. You must have more control of yourself”. Thats what he is going to say (his teeth chatter violently). She (he points upward) has ordered me to speak because I was present earlier at the fall of the angels. I was the second in importance, that is why it is I whom she forces to speak about this “filthy business”. She always has the power to dictate to us down there (he growls vehemently). E: Beelzebub, on her order, you must speak now and say only the truth! CONCERNING THE NAMES OF THE ANGELIC DEMONS B: I still have to say this: in writing these revelations, you must mention my name. You must quote my name. With the other demons too, you must always specify who has spoken. You must do it. It is not for nothing that we tell you who is speaking. Why do you think we do it? E: Beelzebub, you must speak, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin! B: She allows us to say our names... who is speaking, and then she also wished you to note who has spoken. Concerning the important matters above all, she wants it to be known which demon she chose, which one had to speak... E: Beelzebub, you must speak now, in the name...! B: ...Just because I am well known, it is essential that my name be mentioned. E: In the name of the Blessed Virgin and Mother of God, Mary, of Saint Michael the Archangel, of all the Choirs of Holy Angels, of St. Joseph, Patron of the Church, of all the saints of Heaven, and of Catherine Emmerich, you must speak now and only the truth! HUMAN STUPIDITY B: Veroba has spoken previously on January 12, 1976, of the Warning and the Catastrophe. He said then that that should also be put in the little book.[94] He also told why the Warning has not come yet, and why it was paradoxical to pray. You men, you are worth nothing (laugh of wicked joy). You are nothing, and you will be nothing. You are asses who can be told the same thing over and over again. Have you the brains of a fly, or maybe you have a sieve for a brain? If He up there (he points upward) did not exist, all your bones would disintegrate; it is He alone Who supports your carcass every second without that, you would be rags and scraps. This is why we, down there below, cannot understand how teachers, doctors and I dont know how many more, have such insane presumption; how can they have such great presumption, although they are only dirt which will be eaten up by worms! E: Beelzebub, continue, in the name and by the order of the Most Holy Trinity... of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin and Mother of God, Mary, of Saint Michael the Archangel, of all the Holy Angels and Archangels, and of all the Nine Choirs of Blessed Spirits, of all the Saints of Heaven! B: On the subject of this presumption, she wants this to be said in addition: she deems it entirely out of place on the part of these people to exalt themselves so inordinately; they are an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. She considers it entirely misplaced since she comported herself with such perfect humility. She would have had cause to carry her crown high and to flourish her scepter. She would have had every reason to. Did she ever do it? At all events, not on earth. Consequently, she has been exalted in accordance with the Scriptures, as Jesus said: “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and everyone who humbles himself will be exalted.[95] This means that everyone who exalts himself will, in the end, be humbled in an extraordinary way, not just by one degree, but by innumerable degrees. Do you understand what we mean? He who exalts himself will not be humbled by the same amount, but a million times more. and still more than that. But he who humbles himself, however high his place may be - we are learned, we know that! (He emphasizes what he is saying with a wave of a finger) - according to the parable of the banquet where Jesus said: “He who puts himself in the last place will perhaps be placed in the first place by the Master of the banquet”[96]... I mean that those who humble themselves thus will not be exalted by the same amount. They will be placed a million times higher than they were... and that applies for all eternity. I have to say that it is a paradox and a monumental act of stupidity to exalt oneself on earth. I have to say it because it is an abomination for the Lord. If men knew what they are doing, they would be horrified with themselves (laugh of wicked joy). E: Beelzebub, in the name of the Father... of the Immaculate, of the Most Blessed Virgin and Mother of God, Mary, of Saint Michael the Archangel, of the Nine Choirs of Blessed Spirits, of all the Saints of Heaven, of all the Holy Exorcists and of Catherine Emmerich, you must speak now, by order of the Blessed Virgin! THE FUNDAMENTAL VIRTUE OF HUMILITY B: If she had not always put herself in the last place, even below Saint Joseph, who however was highly aware of her dignity, and if she had not been so humble, she would never, never ever, have had today, this power over the Church and over the world. You would not have in her this Mother, who does everything for you and who obtains for you the inexpressible graces which she can now obtain, if she had not first given you the example. She practiced humility, in every part of every virtue, right to the last degrees of heroism. If she had not practiced these virtues, and especially this cursed virtue of humility, we could have dragged ourselves close to her in spite of everything. That would have enabled us to succeed once more, in spite of everything - the devil it would! (Cry of bitterness) E: Beelzebub, continue, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity...! B: It is the same for men. It is as clear as day: when a man is not humble, all the vices follow. We have a hold over a man as soon as his own wisdom call it what you like goes to his head. Man has not been wise for a long time for a long time his brain has been that of a gnat. Even if he believes himself to be wise, and then exalts himself only a little bit, he falls immediately, in the mind of That Woman up there (he points up ward). But I dont want to say that. I know it well enough because that is what happened to us. How we have fallen, thousands and thousands of times, confound it, and then more again! (he howls woefully). E: Continue, Beelzebub, in the name...! B: That is why you priests must speak from the pulpit about the original sin, about pride. You should do your utmost to promote the virtue of humility. Speak about the Saints who have practiced this divine perfection to an eminent decree, for example, Catherine Emmerich; of thousands of other Saints, of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus. Preach about Saint John Marie Vianney. He lived on potatoes for fifteen days, at a time he used to eat sour, moldy potatoes (he sighs). He did not even want to get into the bed that had been installed for him. He found that it was too comfortable for him. We do not have so much power over these people who have such a poor opinion of themselves that they dont even wish to sleep in a good bed; and who do not make this known to other people by saying such things as; “See, I am not using the good bed. I am good, I am using the uncomfortable bed.” They hide it from men. John Marie Vianney always kept it secret that he was not eating normally. He had true humility. Catherine Emmerich was the same; she did not want to show how ill she was, nor what she carried on her body.[97] It was only when people came and said: “But she is in a pitiable state, something must be done!” that she allowed them to move her because it was absolutely necessary; and still she wanted to remain in extreme poverty. She used to lie half done for, framed in a wretched bed. She always wanted to live a retiring life; that is why the birds used to come from the skies to perch on her shoulders. The Saints receive so many favors; the Saints in general, hut above all, the humble Saints. They are very much in favor up there; they mount rapidly towards Heaven, while the others drag themselves laboriously, step by step, along the hard road which is leading them there. Before all else, the virtue of humility must be preached again from the pulpit: all the others come only after that one. Then comes the virtue of purity, most fitting for our times (he breathes painfully); then truth.[98] and all the others. You must say where that leads and give examples. E: Lucifer, you have to go away. Beelzebub, you must speak, on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity... of the Most Blessed Virgin and Mother of Cod, Mary, and Saint Michael the Archangel! B: First and foremost, the vice of pride must he denounced. You must say that the virtue of humility must be written in very large letters. Then, of course, comes anger, theft and all the rest. You must. always endeavor to quote comparisons and examples, living, proved and verified in the lives of the Saints (frightful cry). Leave me alone! E: Continue, Beelzebub, continue in the name of the Father... of the Immaculate and Blessed Virgin, Mother of God, Mary... (Here, Beelzebub interrupts): B: What you are doing is good, it is good, but you ought to do it with more insistence; You must point out more insistently the devastating effect of sin. Particularly during this season of Lent, put the accent on the gravity of sin, which surpasses all imagination. Make known the consequences of sin with great clarity. It is much more frightful than you can depict it. It is sin you must depict, and you must try to explain very clearly what its consequences are. You have now understood everything, but the other priests must do as much, because it is worthless coming just from you. If they do not do it, although they are under an obligation to do so, they are inflicting great harm and they are depriving both themselves and those depending on them, of many graces. All their faithful suffer as a result, and they did not receive the graces they should receive. E: Beelzebub, speak on behalf of the Blessed Virgin, in the name... and say nothing but the truth! B: About these virtues I must say again that this filthy old book: “The Imitation of Jesus Christ”, by Thomas a Kempis,[99] which we fear so much, down there below; this satanic old book (he whines like a dog) should be disseminated and it must be read. It should not be missing from any Catholic household, and it should be read. The best thing would be to read a chapter of it every evening, and strive to conform your life to it. In so far as possible, you should read the old, non-abridged edition of “The Imitation of Jesus Christ”. In the recent versions ways have already been found of changing some things. But they are changing things all the time.[100] So you must search out the old copies. If there are not enough of them, it should be republished. In any case, you yourselves should preach on the Imitation of Christ use and develop the themes you find therein, and inculcate them into the hearts of the faithful. “The Imitation of Christ” is pure wheat, it is not chaff; it comes from Heaven. Heaven wants and recommends it, and would this not be because it places the cross of Christ in front of one in a concrete way, and it tells how the cross of Christ can be imitated? In that way, man learns how Christ suffered, and how he must do the same himself if he wants to advance one step, or even one inch, in the following of Christ; and even with that, he is still a long way from being a Saint, and he must continue to have a very small opinion of himself. That is what you absolutely must say. There are thousands of people, one could say millions, who believe that they are good because they have done this or done that. But that is far from enough. They will be good only when they consider themselves to be not yet good, and think they have done too little and that they could do a lot more about it. They will be good only when they consider themselves to he very unimportant, and do every thing that they can for Christ.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 16:05:59 +0000

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