Warrior RAGE just went BEAST MODE! £26 NEW 45 - TopicsExpress


Warrior RAGE just went BEAST MODE! £26 NEW 45 servings Warrior Rage is one of the most powerful, most effective, and most results driven pre-workouts on the market, and now, its even better value! A huge 45 power-packed serving in every little atomic blast of a tub! 45 Super-Charged Servings! Activates mTOR anabolic signalling complexes Controls cortisol catabolic response Huge energy, drive and focus! Epic pump and endurance! Crazy tasty! Are you ready to not just beast your next workout, but obliterate it? To not just beat a personal record, but smash it?! Are you ready to show the world what youre really, REALLY capable of? If youre not, this isnt for you. Walk away. If it is... if youre a serious athlete, with serious intentions, the Warrior RAGE is the only pre-workout you need to consider. Let me put it this way, here are the facts: No other pre-workout has been designed so comprehensively to build muscle, control cortisol, enhance focus, energy, drive, pump and endurance. No other pre-workout also makes all these powerful ingredients taste DELICIOUS! Warrior RAGE isnt just a pre-workout, its a Weapon. Next time you want to smash a training session, LOAD UP! mTOR Activation - Igniting The Anabolic Pathway What do you train for? To hang out with the guys? For fun? Yeah... but we also train for gains in strength, mass, performance, and just to look freakin great! Warrior RAGE ignite the anabolic pathway via activating mTOR. mTOR (the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin) is a key driver for growth within the body, activating mTOR means greater gains, and better results from your training. The best way to activate mTOR is by consuming a lot of leucine, but not on its own. Leucine is most effective when consumed within a potent blend of BCAAs, and this triggers the most powerful anabolic response. Warrior RAGE utilises a powerful 8:1:1 ratio of leucine, to isoleucine and valine - all BCAAs have pre-workout benefits in terms of endurance, recovery, power and performance, but leucine has the greatest benefits of all because it kick starts an anabolic domino effect activating mTOR and giving you greater results from the muscle stresses of the workout. Cortisol Control! Have you ever felt sore, tired, irritable or weak? Have you noticed that your gains have plateaued? These could be signs that your cortisol levels are out of control! Whats one of the best ways to control cortisol and bring levels back down again? Vitamin C! Within our advanced mTOR activation and Cortisol Control System weve included not just ultra-potent Branch Chain Amino Acids, but a strong dose of ultra-strength, water soluble Vitamin C. Endur-Strength Synergistic Complex Beta Alanine works very effectively to help boost endurance during your workout - if you normally get 8 reps on 100kg bench presses, then after you start using beta alanine consistently, everything else being equal, itll help you get 10. It just works, and research has proven time and time again how effective this simple amino acid is for athletes. So what makes Beta Alanine even more effective? CREATINE! We havent just gone for any old Creatine though, weve gone for the ultimate in Creatine uptake - Creatine Gluconate. Creatine Gluconate is creatine bound to glucose, giving creatine the same uptake and delivery into your skelatol muscle as glucose. In other words? Completely, and easily, without having to load. Its the most effective creatine for rapid uptake and by binding the creatine ions so directly to glucose, you dont need to take lots of sugary carbs to ensure the best uptake. Warrior RAGE is a LEAN pre-workout, perfect for those who want to stay cut up ALL YEAR ROUND! In addition to Beta Alanine, and Creatine Gluconate, weve also incorporated Sodium Bicarbonate. Sodium Bicarbonate helps buffer lactic acid, reducing fatigue, increasing stamina and enhancing endurance! It does this through acting as an alkaline buffer to help neutralise acid produced by hard, vigorous exercise. Through being this alkaline buffer, it helps improve endurance levels, increase strength, speed and stamina by reducing the burn you feel during prolonged exercise. Its a simple ingredient, with a lot of power. Pump & Power Matrix We get creatine where it matters - MUSCLE! We dont get creative where its not needed. Warrior RAGE has been designed to help you build muscle, last longer, train hard and overall become an anabolic BEAST with our mTOR activation, lactic acid buffering and endurance and strength complexes. In terms of asthetic pump, we utilise a high dosages of Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate, Citrulline Malate, Taurine for Cell Volumization and muscle response, a frankly HUGE dosage of Caffeine, and brain awakening Vitamin B6 which naturally boosts energy levels. Whats the upshot? Youll get a pump! Youll also feel drive, energy and insane focus! Warrior RAGE is not for those sensitive to stimulants - we advice you to take just ONE serving for your first 3 workouts. If that feels too strong, take half of one serving. Warrior RAGE is a Weapon, use it wisely! Are you ready to take the RAGE challenge?! We believe no other brand in the world has a pre-workout formula as advanced or effective as Warrior RAGE. Try RAGE on your next workout and tell us on our facebook page what you thought! Try Warrior RAGE for a month and watch YOUR LIFTS GO UP, and your training go from STRENGTH to STRENGTH... And please tell us about it on Facebook! We LOVE hearing feedback from our customers.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 15:16:56 +0000

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