Warsaw boasts Europes largest mountain of garbage . And it will be - TopicsExpress


Warsaw boasts Europes largest mountain of garbage . And it will be even much more ... smelly matter Warsaw boasts Europes largest mountain of garbage . And will she still eating lots more ... Capital Plant Waste Disposal - Composting Radio Street. Kampinoska is located at the junction of two districts ( Bielany , Bemowo ) and of Stare Babice . Municipal owned companies Treatment of Municipal Enterprises . The main installation facility is located in the Warsaw area , and a huge landfill (17 acres ), which get converted (theoretically ) garbage, is on the other side of the road . This area should be a large part of the village Klaudyn (commune Stare Babice ) and to Bemowo . From the south, adjacent to nature reserves Kalinowa Meadow and Moose Meadow , from the west - with Kampinoski National Park , east of the forest Uroczysko Bemowo touch with nature trails and a childrens bicycle paths , while on the north side ( the territory Bielany district ) people live . Next to the old cottages , new , ever-evolving neighborhoods. Their residents have invested in their own locale lot of money , because the president Hanna Gronkiewicz -Waltz (PO ) swore before the election that the landfill will be permanently closed and reclaimed , and turn up the ski slope , which was furthermore confirmed in the Provincial Waste Management Plan for Mazovia for the period including the years 2012-2017 2018-2023 . Following the introduction of the so-called . Law junk this plan , however, was changed and the Parliament of the Province of Mazowieckie increased storage capacity of 95 thousand . to 700 thousand . cubic meters (!) , and the term has shifted the possible closure in 2017 . Without any public consultation , which Marshal Adam Struzik (PSL ) explains as follows: It is immaterial change the installation . The current situation ( as of the end of November ) ski slope and the surrounding area is as follows: * Revolting stench from the composting plant poisons the lives of thousands of people , because rotting substances even smoke hydrogen sulfide and methane ; * Contrary to the administrative decision Marshal Struzik ( Wastes shall not be stored within the installation - immediately after delivery to the landfill will be used for processing ) on the closely guarded area of composting garbage heaps in arrears ; * Top the other side of ul. Kampinoska continues to grow, and various abominations ( used medical equipment and pharmaceuticals , waste from the clinic for animals, foils , plastic , tires , furniture , cans , glass) get there without any sort , then quickly przysypywane are ground to cover their tracks . Tales spokesman MPO - that only goes to the landfill waste sorting residues , soil , compost, rubble and waste produced in the process of mechanical- biological treatment , and there are no mixed municipal waste - can be inserted between a fairy tale ; * After the landfill and composting prowling hordes of rats ( during the summer to master them as flies and mosquitoes ) , and dug by rodents stuff on transporting birds . This observation especially dedicated to the residents of other districts of Warsaw , where it seems that they are safe . Until the balcony or in the garden will shipment of radio supplied by the winged postman ; * From the Bemowo excised hectare of forest to expand the area of the landfill ( The purpose of preparing the land for the planned ski slope there - says MPO) ; * At the dump stink tanks regularly support the gray zone . Pump the liquid waste from septic tanks straight into the soil . The trough formed because of this river which assumes that there already poured thousands of hectoliters; * Residents of the old , not- houses on the radio can not use czerpanej from the well water , even for washing ; * Mayor of Old Babic Christopher Turk nods not a finger , because MPO municipality pays a monthly 86.1 thousand . zł for the lease of land; * President Gronkiewicz -Waltz puts a complaint to the bottom of the drawer and is deaf to all protests , because their ears in debt MPO will go bankrupt if you would have to export garbage to more distant destinations for professional incineration , and she has no idea what to do with it . - There are days when we are not able to go outside their homes. Recently stench of composting until his eyes stung , so we called the Municipal Police . This has taught us that ... unless we knew where we buy an apartment , so we owe ourselves . At the request of preparing a memo about the stench of the guard replied that they are trained to receive notifications, and not to assess the intensity of the odor , and besides, the area is private , so it can not intervene - says Bogdan Bajak from the Association Clean Radio . What will be next? Answer : the people of the surrounding neighborhoods have to knock yourself out of your head , above all empty promises on the radio to create a recreation center , because according to the law in force on the crown landfills may not be exercised for a period of 50 years from the date of closure of the storage buildings , excavations, ground and underground installations (Regulation of the Minister of Environment of 24 March 2003) . Also specialists put the matter clearly : When you place a landfill reclamation area will was setting for many years , and the surface will undergo deformation . It should be observed ( monitored) and repair for about 30 years. For 50 years, you can not lead to any dish landfill construction work outside associated with reclamation facility ( Dr.-Ing . Marek Hasso - Agopsowicz of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn ) . And another thing: since February 2014 on radio will be much worse , because the MPO has won the tender for the collection of rubbish from ten districts ( Bielany , Żoliborz, Bialoleka , Targowek , Ochota , Ursus , Italy , Downtown, Will, Bemowo ) . It won because I offered the lowest price ...
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 00:18:28 +0000

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