Was France just a distraction away from thousands of Scots dying - TopicsExpress


Was France just a distraction away from thousands of Scots dying on our doorstep?... Westminster wants to see “more effective progress in decommissioning the biggest and most complex nuclear site in Europe”. An informed interpreter would probably interpret this ‘Ambition’ as: “Westminster are totally incompetent, those who ‘serve’ there have little understanding of the real world, never mind the price of a pint of milk. Those sitting therein and elsewhere, have made such a pig’s ear of uk fiscal policy whilst lining their own nests, they’ve dropped the ball whilst parading on the ‘Catwalk of Power’”. “Accordingly, then – they must ‘Redact’ cash requisite to keep people safe and ‘Invest’ same in ‘Paying Down the Deficit’ so Blighty may sustain a countenance less, flustered on the world stage”. “But, you’d be wrong to aver that they are totally as thick as they’re green looking, they are certainly not. They are one step ahead of the results of their dereliction of duty ‘To Keep UK Citizens Safe’ (Whilst they alledge that they can achieve that on some sort of £Trillion Neo - Crusade(s) – they evidently did a ‘Health Flow Projection’ of their misadventures and are now Capping the availability of treatments for Cancer. Much of the Cancer we see today and certainly will tomorrow, will be caused as a direct result of ‘Nuclear Contamination’, but even although, it has been caused by Westminster – Westminster’s double Whammy is to Create Cancer and Stop Treating it... to ‘Pay Down The Deficit’….” “The question in any observer’s mind must be ‘Why’? Wind power has already out – generated Nuke Power, but still Westminster – indeed the delirious public school types therein, still want to plough ahead with New Nuke plants and ‘Life Support’ for Nuke Power Stations in Scotland and the North of England that are now at the end of their ‘Safe Generating Life’, but why?” “Great question, the answer will prove not to be so ‘Great’. The world medical community concluded that there was a “Safe Threshold” that a human being could withstand prior to sustaining life threatening effects and Radiation associative illness/disease (Cancer). That’s fair and reasonable and you’d expect the “Experts” who are compensated well, for their efforts to enable them to pay their mortgages and private school fees. But, Westminster, who posed the question “What is a safe amount of Radiation Contamination”? as one might expect have ‘ Pontificated’ that the experts were wrong and UK citizens can safely accommodate much larger amounts of Radiation Contamination, and still be safe”. “Accordingly, Hunterston and Torness have been ‘Given Leave’ (and elsewhere) to generate Nuclear Power far and beyond the original safety limitation… ‘To Pay Down The Deficit’” (Make good the mistakes of the posh types Parading on the Catwalk of Power)”.. “Sellafield firm set to lose £9bn clean-up contract”. 12 Jan. 2015 bbc.co.uk/news/business-30785623 This is a Disaster waiting to happen. Just like Fukushima, there are nuclear fuel rods in cooling pools. Just like Fukushima, if these fuel rods overheat it will cause a Cataclysmic Disaster that will make large parts of Scotland and England uninhabitable. “Photographs of Sellafield nuclear plant prompt fears over radioactive risk” 29 Oct 2014 theguardian/environment/2014/oct/29/sellafield-nuclear-radioactive-risk-storage-ponds-fears Another three nuclear reactors are set to be built onto “Europes largest new nuclear project” at the Moorside site, next to Sellafield. 30 June 2014 bbc.co.uk/news/business-28090612
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 05:02:07 +0000

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