Was born in a liberal town and a clearly liberal state, but - TopicsExpress


Was born in a liberal town and a clearly liberal state, but thankfully, I dont have a liberal mind! I refuse to allow the good common sense I have to be poisoned by the liberals in this country...I just wont have it and never will either! There are people I really like in this country and then there are people I truly despise as well and I make absolutely NO attempt to hide how I feel either and I know that isnt too popular these days in this country, but I could give a flying bleep... Years ago, if you disliked something? No one made a big deal of it, kinda brushed it off, which was to be expected...but NOW? If you just dont care for something, youre instantly tagged as a hater, racist, homophobe, may I go on? And to be honest, I know where to put the blame for all of this too...this clearly liberal government for one thing and then the fault lies with MY generation because when I was a kid, my parents raised me right, to be respectful, responsible, courteous, etc...and for the most part, its served me pretty well...but NOW, some parents these days quite honestly have NO business reproducing and spreading their stupidity to their children...not to mention, their ugliness too...kids today? NOT respecting their elders, DONT listen to authority, are snotty as hell and quite honestly, theyre not disciplined the way I was...I wasnt disciplined much growing up, but when I was, it was more than likely because I deserved it...I wouldnt have been smacked otherwise Years ago, honesty was always appreciated, but now? Its generally frowned on and those who are like that like me (for the most part) are ridiculed by sackless wonders online who damn sure wouldnt say the same stuff in my face because if they did, Id have to hurt them and depending on how bad it was, it would depend on how hurt they got! There are many parents these days from my generation who raise their kids the right way and theyre to be commended for it too, but many more DONT and the effects of not doing so are fairly obvious as to why current society sucks the way it does! If youre nice to me, Ive always been nice back, but if youre a sackless scumbag and are nasty to me? Just be prepared to get it back doubly as bad as you dish it out! Quite honestly, Ive had it and I wont be responsible for what I do to you either! :-/ What was right 20 years ago is suddenly wrong and what was wrong 20 years ago is suddenly right....gotta love the cesspool this country has become lately, really do! With the way things are anymore, its all the more reason I decided not to have kids...why would I want to raise them in this crap society right now? The one who judges you for absolutely NOTHING? I wouldnt subject a child to a society that even I cant stand anymore! :-/
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 19:53:10 +0000

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