Was just going through some old vids on Youtube of old band, - TopicsExpress


Was just going through some old vids on Youtube of old band, Weeping Prophet. We wrote some fun little ditties but one song I always thought would have been cool to have recorded was Rain. Only acoustic song we did. About 1997. Always loved playing this. Thanks John Joyce, James T Quirk and Walt Mapes for being part of some really great music and ministry memories. Apologies for a few guitar hiccups on this vid. :-) youtube/watch?v=FKWP6dAgt7M&index=4&list=PLmDKjymTIQT7SaRcLfqc5DdLJ93PjiLbj
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 18:09:03 +0000

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