Was just reading this morning in Matthews Gospel, what amazing - TopicsExpress


Was just reading this morning in Matthews Gospel, what amazing things is our Christ performing as hes giving his disciples teaching 101. Imagine what they get never seen, or at least on this fashion, what they were use to in their structure of Judaism at this time, when all they knew was being threatened. Dont tell me how you would have acted.........cmon now. You raised Jewish, hardened in the culture, deepened by the traditions of men. And right before our eyes, We have this one .....that them around him is called teacher, rabbi, Son of God, Messiah , and you really dont know what to think......some want to be a part, some scared of being ostracized, others just dont know what to believe. They can tell that by his teachers that God is with him, and all this miracle stuff, .....well its not the norm, but His teaching lines up with the prophets. Some disciples come to him in Mt 8:18-20, saying they would follow him anywhere, they just wanted to go with him, His response was quite different, you really hadnt seen enough of men to really put yourself out on a limb yet. All youve seen is whats been happening, its whats not happening when the crowds arent around thats going on ( My para phase ) youre at dont know what you asked, ...if you really looks h my ministry, I dont have anything called possessions, no earthly place to settle and rest. Are you sure you want to be out here like that? ( My Quote ) . But wed said the same.thing, .....Im with you, I got your back, ........how many times.have we heard that one ......for real, Ill be that for the long haul......right. Then the next one comes along and says , let me bury my Dad? Jesus against says the call isnt for everyone, let them that are not alive spiritual, bury they own, that called dead. But what really had me asking God questions was the next response, when they crossed the other side. HE Cast out demons, people set free and their response. the crowd came out , they gathered...and Begged him to leave their region Wow, n ow thats easy for us today to respond, well we have enough word, ...yes written word and commentaries, study bibles right now. To explain things to us, foresight, but THEM...... dont know about all this miracle stuff and setting people free from bondage , casting out devils, and losing our income. Just saying, Christ is asked to leave many areas today, not verbally in most cases some has, but what about Christ . He was so off the Chain ,.....that them in the boat ride were marvelled, and amazed, what even the winds, and waves obey him. If he was asleep in my bass boat, and Im about to go under, you think Im not a little bit confused. WHATS UP WITH THIS GUY. Nothing bothers him. Then the teaching he taught came back to you .....Like for.real. And then when were not dramatized enough over the b oat ride, have to deal with two devils. You got to be kidding me......... What was the lesson, what was the factor that pushed them, to ask him to leave? What is the most obvious answer? What is usually the response when folks dont understand? I like Christ response. Nothing .........lets his ministry speak for itself.....that it.....Thats All, no.explanation.what happened, no.rebuttal, Nope, got to love this Christ, My man,bigger than Diamond Dave. What they dont know, they dont know. Just keep moving on. Signs and wonders following him. All they can say was , man we missed . He went to the n t town, and moved on, does what He do. GO Jesus
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 12:38:11 +0000

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