Was on holidays for 4 days and went on literally the biggest binge - TopicsExpress


Was on holidays for 4 days and went on literally the biggest binge of my life. One day I had a fry for breakfast, beers and a burger for lunch, chocolate as a snack, pizza for dinner and a crepe for desert. Had a brilliant trip but came back and felt bloody miserable! It seemed like a good idea at the time when I was shovelling all the junk into my mouth but in reality those few minutes of heaven just mean a few days of extra sessions to work it off. I put on 2.5kg in 4 days which gives you an idea of the almighty bendy I went on! Anyways I’m normally quite good for staying off the junk so here are a few tips to keep you on the straight and narrow. Eat regularly, the longer the time you leave between meals the much more likely you are to go for the junk food. You should try to keep yourself relatively full throughout the day by having 3 bigish meals and 2-3 snacks in between. My number one snack is peanut butter or almonds. I buy a 1kg tub of Meridian Organic Peanut Butter in Holland & Barrett which usually lasts me about a week. My pre-workout sandwich is usually my big treat during the day. I also love the “Fage” 0% fat greek yogurt or cottage cheese and mix in half a scoop of protein or some berries. Trust me, it tastes delicious. It might be difficult during the first 3-4 days but if you REALLY want those cravings to subside, the best way is to go cold turkey on those crappy simple sugars and stick to the low to medium GI carb’s. Trust me as someone who suffers terribly from sweetoothicitis, once you get over the initial withdrawal symptoms, your cravings will subside dramatically. Cut it all out for a week and see for yourself, you won’t look at that chocolate bar the same way again! A lot of females seem to think rice cakes are a good option as a snack… Rice cakes are undoubtedly one of the worst snacks on the face of the earth! Not only do they taste like absolute S*** but have one of the highest GI index’s for any snack. Meaning you get a big spike of energy and then a crash leaving you hungry in a very short period which in turn leaves you reaching for the junk. Instead go for some oatcakes with organic nut butter or whole-wheat crackers with humus. A much better, tastier option! I think its important to treat yourself after a tough week of dieting but just make sure you buy yourself one treat and not enough to feed a small family. Instead of buying a tub of Ben & Jerrys (my weakness) or a multi-pack of sweets buy a singular ice-cream or chocolate bar and savour it. The less you buy, the less you’ll eat because if you’re like me, once you have a taste, you have to finish the whole thing. Finally, I find whey protein a great way of staving off those junk food cravings. Use your flavoured whey protein product as a treat during the day. I look forward to my Flexi Nutrition shake because its something sweet and tasty without the sugar and calories. Other supplements proven to help curb cravings are glutamine and chromium. Just try and remind yourself when you start to get tempted by junk food. Sure it gives you a short period of happiness but I can almost guarantee that short period of satisfaction will be followed closely by the inevitable feeling of guilt. Please keep messaging me stuff you’d like me to talk about. Hoping to get a home ab workout video done very soon and more posts coming over the next while :-)
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 17:10:21 +0000

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