Was part of a fantastic event today called the Big Hat Brunch by - TopicsExpress


Was part of a fantastic event today called the Big Hat Brunch by The Lillie Ennis Group (letsnetwork) which floored me in so many ways is going to take me a week to tell them all to you because they were all so inspiring. As always I walk away with no pictures, so very bad at that so Lillie help me out in that department. But what I did walk away with was pride in being a amazing woman, a survivor, a fighter and so much more. Taking a moment to acknowledge my worth because it is priceless!! Now I want to take another moment in acknowledging a beautiful woman I had the pleasure in meeting today that impacted me in such a way I had to write about her is how I do. The following is dedicated to Shantana Hazel (Lillie please share this with her for me thank you): POWERHOUSE Met a woman today that took me took a place that I do not like to visit A place of weakness and suffering I looked at her though and saw this powerhouse of a woman Was proud to be in the same room as she The struggles that she has battled and won had me feeling like her twin Felt a kinship with this woman immediately I have no doubt that we will become true friends because it was meant to me Meant for me to be in the room as she took the mic and talked about all that she has encountered and still continues to walk her walk with a beaming smile on her face Loved the way she sashayed into the room with loud music blasting getting us all up clapping and dancing Her enthusiasm and energy was catching As she talked I had images of myself going through everything that she had and I did not like it Was kind of uncomfortable and none too happy with her for reminding me Of being in bed for over a year Of being in a wheelchair for months Of needing help for doing the simplest thing Of pills and surgeries never getting it quite right and still having to continue to fight and fight What was amazing about this phenomenal woman was her grace She had it in abundance Went through all of my same struggles and possibly a whole lot more She has found a way to use them to empower other women to never close the door Her story shook me that when I took the microphone I lost my words With a knot in my throat thought I would not be able to get a word out but then realized that is what is about sometimes To tell your story no matter that your knees are knocking, your palms are sweating and you feel like your about to have a stroke Getting it out is the only way you accomplish two things A cleansing of those bad memories While giving someone else that quietly might be walking right behind you the knowledge to step up and walk right by your side instead Everyday you need a refueling of your power You could find it in many different ways Today was finding my new and forever more Sister Girl
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 04:38:31 +0000

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