Was reading in Education for Special Needs something that speaks - TopicsExpress


Was reading in Education for Special Needs something that speaks to a healing remedy, a natural healing remedy for women who experience Post Partem Depression after birth. I am realizing as I read this book and now another lecture offered up by the Medical Section in Spiritual Science where I am looking at exactly what is taking place with the schizophrenic friends where they are unable to separate out things from themselves: they are experiencing phenomena out of the spirit in the world but because there is no filter they are unable to realize what is taking place, nor able to separate it from them in their thinking. Generally this onslaught of schizophrenia comes about at the age of 21 just when in Steiners understanding the being of man is now freed to co create forward himself in the world now that the bodies have been developed through the ages of 0-7, 7- 14, 14 -21. At around seven we have the change of teeth, 14, we have puberty, 21 the consolidation of the soul. wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/CuratEducat/CurEdu_index.html Now that the worlds medicines have been completely corrupted for the most part and are not really healing man more like putting a bandaid on a thing while corrupting other organs that were healthy it is going to be necessary to get back to basics where not only the physical body of man is taken into consideration but the whole man in relations to earth and cosmos and how they are a benefit to one another. Mostly medicines have copied what is in the plant world yet left out the important ingredient which comes naturally from the surrounding air water earth and fire due to reducing it to his finite stage which is actually death as there is nothing in there that is of the spirit workings in the dish under the micro scope of these synthetic medicines. Sort of creating artificial intelligence in human beings that have nothing to do with the human being past a mechanized imitation of spirit which is not on the table for consideration. And the greater issue is for the future when all these things that are man made will be what ails us as a whole and by then the earth will have been ruined in its relationship to outer cosmic ongoing co creating. What we are putting into the air and into the outer planetary world is blocking utterly blocking what has always rightly influenced our world through the starry and planetary organisms. Our medicines keep regulating the diseases we bring in that are man made now due to our playing Gd with medicines and vaccines and the earth, versus allowing the properties of the plant world around us instead of synthetics to be the number one game in town. My beloved friend said to me Scientists will be the last ones on board I asked why is that? and she said because they do not know Isis Marie meaning the soul of man and the workings of the spirit. Man has forgotten what it means to have these planets and starry configurations involved in the growth of the plant world and its organisms here on the earth and the further we move away from our understandings of our interconnectedness the worse it will be for the future children of our world. We are being duped by not only dogma of religions but also dogma of science and have given our powers away. But thats okay because we are about to awaken to them again in community. All of this leads to the community of a new brotherhood of man wherein Brother what ails thee? has meaning to all. wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA218/English/MSV1975/19221020p01.html
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 14:57:44 +0000

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