Was rummaging through some old computer CDs of mine... Came across - TopicsExpress


Was rummaging through some old computer CDs of mine... Came across this poem I wrote back in 2004. Man, was I maudlin!! -------------------------------- From the shelter of my heart, I cry out. Frightening solitude envelops me, Like a macabre tarpaulin of torment. A shroud of darkness covers me. Pain. I am a tree, ripped from its roots. My native soil is but a nostalgic memory, I reminisce but cannot leave. My hearts mysteries now belong in this land. Melancholy. Longing for a kindred spirit, a companion. Calling out to a phantom friend, My cries are like leaves carried on the wind. They rot under a bitter storm of tears. Sad. A maple tree amongst eucalypts, undying green. Red colours standing out like a blemish, I am the lone tree in a forest of ages. The custodians of the land shun me. Rejected. I have but love and compassion, a strong heart. My kindness reaches out to touch passers by, The curse of the immigrant is a foreboding fortress. No one dares reach beyond it. Hopeless. I have resigned to this fate, a soul broken. A life sentence in solitary confinement, The season will pass and I will remain. A stranger in a strange land. Lonely.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 10:04:20 +0000

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