Was sharing ideas with Anthony Edwards and figured Id post - TopicsExpress


Was sharing ideas with Anthony Edwards and figured Id post something from one of my on going campaigns. The city of Brandwyn was one of the most complex write-ups I ever created; nearly 150 pages of descriptions and adventures. ======================================= The ancient city of Brandwyn is located in the Duchy of Westmark, in the Kingdom of Westmark. The city of Brandwyn is an old city that lies on the bank of the Fisilain River, on the southern end of the kingdom’s western trade route. To the west and south of it lies a small mountain range called the Killidan Highlands. To the east is the Aidelwyn Forest, and to the north lies the vast waste known as the Shadan Moor. Several different races have occupied Brandwyn itself over the years. The present occupants are primarily human and some half-elf. Non-humans are distrusted in this area. Half-orcs will be shunned. The city is a walled town with a population of about 10,000. Surrounding the town are small villages and farming communities. The city is ruled by Duke Taldon and Duchess Mayla of Westmark. Most of the town guards, The Silver Brigade, are loyal to the Duke and Duchess, but some are part of the criminal element. Brandwyn has many shops and stores and just about anything can be bought or sold for the right price. Slavery has recently been outlawed, but paid servants are common. The locale weather is temperate and quite pleasing even in winter. The town’s history is quite colorful. It has changed hands numerous times, and is currently under human control. Founded 1488 years ago by high elves, the city was known as OstoyaNeenuvar (which means “City of Water and Lilly Ponds”). It was a majestic city for centuries, until the first orc invasion. The city was taken over by the orc 530 years ago. It was renamed “Bragnosh Kagh” (which means “The Smited Garden” in Orcish) and was the royal seat of Tingurack the Bloody Fisted. A human army led by King Wenswen reclaimed the city some 36 years later. By that time the elves wanted nothing to do with the place as the orcs had desecrated most of their beautiful city, so Wenswen renamed it “Brandwyn”. Approximately 347 years ago, barbarians from the south attacked and invaded the city. It was reclaimed during the holy warriors of Ezalldur a year later. 100 years after that, during the second orc war, the city was again under siege and captured by orcs. Ten years later, the orcs were driven out, and the Kingdom of Westmark as sovereign land claimed the city. The area became a Duchy 128 years ago. Every seven to ten years the orcs try to invade again but they are always driven back by the kingdom’s armies. Brandwyn shows architecture styles of its many past inhabitants, and many places are reputed to be haunted. The only place everyone agrees is haunted, and the only place no one will go after dark, is the cemetery. Stories tell of people who walked through its gates at night and never return. Some of the adventures include the following: 1) The Bone Harp 2) Saoris Song 3) The Last Laugh 4) Quest for the Blackcombe 5) The Wight Queen and the Book of Secrets 6) The Curse of Baeldronn
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 00:45:44 +0000

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