Was tagged by EmaanSanz SarunsanishManiac to write 20 facts about - TopicsExpress


Was tagged by EmaanSanz SarunsanishManiac to write 20 facts about me. I guess most of the people already know these 20 facts about me and if not then feel free to read hehe. And if u dont read trust me I wont be offended coz no one needs to go through a long post to know me ;) 1. I am a big arshi fan. Haha i know you all know that already but seriously i hv successfully failed to stick on to any serial after IPK. Its gradually ggetting better like i can now stand the site of tv for more than 5 mins but still theres no serial i can mention that i hv watched all the episodes of for a week. TV is just not like before now. 2. I am generally a calm actually a too calm person. I prefer to ignore people thn getting angry on them and in return getting hurt myself. But saying that, an easy way to make me go crazy (bad crazy :P) is to bash sanaya, barun, arshi, IPK and the cast. 3. I strongly dislike those people who bash others including the different fandoms. I just dont get the concept of bashing one actor just because u like some other actor. Even when barun/sanaya/arshi/sarun/srk lovers bash other non-ipk actors or bollywood actors i get irritated. Disliking someone is one thing and bashing them is a whole another thing. 4. I am super lazy and loveeee to sleep on weekends. I hv never been late in one cls my whole life but on weekends i never wake up before noon. 5. I never bunk classes.. No i am not a studious person on the other hand i study literally at the last moment but i attend cls s regularly. 6. My cooking skills are close to none and i am never ashamed of it . Yes I am besharam that way. 7. I loveeeeeee my long hair and every tym i have to have a hair cut even a simple trim makes me want to cry my heart out . 8. I have no fascinations for shoes,clothes or any other such stuff but give me some soft toys and i am a happy kid. 9. My friends and family regularly wonders if i have lost all the screws of my brains when I unleash my true crazy self sometyms. 10. I hate it when people pretend. Id rather have someone do all the bad things openly thn acting like they are the sweetest person ever. 11. I loveeeee kids and any guy who is good to kids just gets some extra point in my might have a crush on him list. 12. I used to have a lotttt of crushes(none in real life) before arnav. But ever since i fell in love with him i see a guy for 5 mins think he is good and then back to arnav/Barun . 13. I get weird songs stuck in my head and then sing them all day long in my head. I loveee listening to all kinds of music but rock doesnt go well with me. 14. I hate hate journeys. I would loveee to watch and visit new places but being in the car/train makes me feel sick. 15. I read anything and everything. I read a lottttttttttt of novels/stories but also if i am sitting somewhere and theres a coupon/shampoo bottle/ just some grocery list (you get the idea) Ill go through the list if i hv got nothing else to do. 16. Just you might have guessed by now, I talk a lot and dontt stop talking unless I have to. However if i am in a bad mood i tend to extremely crazy or extremely silent. Never nothing in between. I am friendly with everyone but it takes time for me to actually open up to someone and be really friends with them. So before I hv become friends with someone, one might find me silent type. 17. I can be a great listener when I want to. :P But i like to give people their space and love them when they respect my space. 18. I cant remain serious/sad for a long tym. Also I speak out whatever is in my mind all the time which sometimes come out wrong. 19. People around me never realises but i can have strange mood swings for no reason and can become irritated with people pretty soon. My friends are family doesnt belong to the people part. I hardly get angry with them or be hurt by them. but once i decide theyve actually hurt me or something is too much i never forget that. I am too stubborn that way. 20. I have more than one best friends and many moreeeeeeeee friends online and also in real life. They mean the world to me. As much as Id like to act like a calm person all the time, hurt them and Ill kill you. Yes I will. I am not nominating anyone but if anyone wants to do this please do. I would loveeeee to know 20 facts about you. tag me in ur answers
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 13:53:33 +0000

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