Wash Your Mouth With Wisdom(Sabbath 17 January 2015) We have used - TopicsExpress


Wash Your Mouth With Wisdom(Sabbath 17 January 2015) We have used our words to destroy others completely. We have used our words to build even the very disadvantaged persons, transforming them into a formidable force. Hitler changed an unknown German nation into a formidable killing machine. Tshaka Zulu changed a weakling Zulu army to be the most feared army in the history of the black kingdoms. How did he managed to do it? Henry Ford gave us an answer, he said, (in my own words) If we have two people and give them the same tusk, but one said it cannot be done and the other said it can be done, They are both right. How can they be both right? I watched a movie called trading place by Eddy Murphy it sums it up nicely . Through words because the position one takes. If it is a failure all what he does is to think hard on the ways it cannot be done opening himself up more to the spirit of failure. And the one who would say It can be done likewise open himself up more to the spirit of success making it possible to be successful. The Bible says, What a man thinks in his heart so he is (Proverbs 23:7) and life and death is in the power of the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21). How may times have you pronounced death to your employment, to your marriage, to your good relationship with your spouse or siblings? How many times have you transformed an honest person into a liar due to your calling the lying spirit upon him? Then you cry, yet you were prophesying day and night I will leave this marriage, You are a liar there is no word of truth that can come out of your mouth, You are a lazy bum and of less use in my life, I can do anything without you . But when it eventually happened you pray Change him God and cry saying Why me God yet you were busy ordaining him a thief, a cheat or a whore. Leave Elohim out of it. Learn to bring words according to (1Corinthians 14:3) let your words be of encouragement. If correction let it be in love. Now you made the your bed lay on it. For every idle word we speak we will be held accountable for it on the day of judgement (Matthew 12:36) (Some peoples Day of Judgement comes earlier). My brethren when you say negative words to your spouse friend or family as a spirit you are, those words enter the spiritual realm and hover over the person until there is a reason to manifest in the physical realm. (Proverbs 26:2) If you see people divorcing the divorce did not happen the day they went to court, no it happened years before they even got married at time when one says I will leave whoever I will be married to if this or that happens. How so? Those words will start the process of separation in the realm of the spirit unless you are wise enough to know the impact of those words and cancel them. You date a woman and your affair is clouded with off and on episodes but you proceed to get married anyway without solving the words said during the madness, do you think that marriage will stand the test of time? You complain about your manager or company every time an opportunity present its self and you say, I will leave this useless company Do you really think you will last at that company? You wash your mouth daily to avoid the bad odor. Now try to wash also the same mouth with wisdom to avoid the bad spirit that can leads to death. Shalom Pastor Washington Kingdom Principles Ministry of YaHWeH
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 04:18:43 +0000

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