Watch Tea Party Crowd Cheer As GOP Rep. Tells Young Girl Her - TopicsExpress


Watch Tea Party Crowd Cheer As GOP Rep. Tells Young Girl Her Father Must Be Deported posted by Omar Rivero August 17, 2013 A Tennessee Tea Party Republican state legislator heartlessly told a scared little girl at a Tea Party town hall meeting on Thursday in Murfreesboro, TN that “laws are laws” and that America has no choice but to deport her undocumented father, after 11-year-old Josie Molina told state Rep. Scott Desjarlais (R) that she has citizenship papers but her father doesn’t. During the Q&A, little Josie stepped up to the microphone and timidly asked, “Mr. DesJarlais, I have papers, but I have a dad who’s undocumented. What can I do to have him stay with me?” Instead of showing some empathy for this terrified little girl, he callously responded, “Thank you for being here and thank you for coming forward and speaking,” but “the answer still kind of remains the same, that we have laws and we need to follow those laws and that’s where we’re at.” Of course, this sent the Tea Party crowd into a cheering frenzy, as they applauded loudly as the little girl took her seat with her head bowed low. Adding insult to injury, the father is currently in the process of being deported and that the girl is seeing a child psychologist in order to cope with the stress and anxiety. Why is is that the Tea Party seems to enjoy the suffering of the less fortunate? Sure, “laws are laws”, but why in the world would a crowd lack the empathy to at least show a bit of respect for this unfortunate little girl that is about to see her father shipped to another country through no fault of her own? If someone doesn’t have insurance, “let em die”, if someone can’t afford to eat “cut off the freeloader’s food stamps”, and now, if a little girl is about to have her father deported, let’s tell her it’s simply tough luck and cheer as she slumps back to her seat. Is this the vision for America that was laid by our founding fathers? Please watch the video (BELOW), let us know your thoughts in the comments section, and share this and other related articles so that we can shine a light on Tea Party heartlessness. Omar Rivero is the Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Occupy Democrats. He studied Industrial Labor and Relations at Cornell University, earned a Masters in European Business from the European School of Management (ESCP-EAP), and is now a political activist. He uses voice dictation software to type articles and manage OD due to a degenerative nerve disorder. If something doesnt make sense, please try to sound it out. 163 comments Brea Plum · Top Commenter All those whose families immigrated without proper authorization from the original citizens must be deported, youre all absolutely right. And I am completely confident that, in the spirit of the law must be the law, you will all immediately travel to the nearest Native American nation and turn yourselves in for deportation to whatever sociopathic nation spawned your bloodlines. On behalf of my Native American ancestors, I thank you for your cooperation. BTW, your families dont get deported together, well ship you wherever to whomever will take you without any regard to your family ties. Cuz the law is the law, after all, and you proved such petty concerns neednt distract from doing what must be done when you force marched my ancestors across country, scattering and separating them as you want. Reply · 160 · Like · Follow Post · August 17 at 6:35pm Robert L Smith · Phoenix, Arizona The best response of all. Thank You! Reply · 12 · Like · August 17 at 7:09pm Mary Beth Aubertin · Follow Well said! Reply · 5 · Like · August 17 at 7:19pm Kristi Shields · Top Commenter · C.L. McLane Robert L Smith the best response is above. Reply · 6 · Like · August 17 at 7:42pm View 10 more Comrade John Thorpe · Top Commenter Disgusting. Just absolutely disgusting. Reply · 26 · Like · Follow Post · August 17 at 5:26pm Amy Butler · Top Commenter · Works at Homeschool Mom About typical for the everything for me, F*CK you party. The founders of America are probably rolling in their graves over the sins and hate conducted in their names. Reply · 21 · Like · Follow Post · August 17 at 5:30pm Neil Holmes · Top Commenter · International School of Geneva You tell them Amy! Reply · 1 · Like · August 18 at 5:12pm Charlie Brown · Works at Currently retired and loving it! Its interesting how everybody refers to the founding fathers and everything was so cool when actually, the original Constitution was written for the property owners, the landowners who controlled society in the eighteenth century, who were trying to protect their property rights and their position in society. When they wrote we the people... they were not talking about the working class folks and slaves and indentured servants. It wasnt until the Bill of Rights became law that things began to change for the majority of Americans.And yes, we need immigration laws, but when we decide what those laws will be, we also need to remember this nation is made of immigrants, except for the original native Americans who were very nearly wiped off the face of the earth.Early Americans were not real lovely-dovey about strange new lands filled with strange looking humans (if they even were human) who were in the way of plans to take over the new world and repopulate with IMMIGRANTS! Reply · 20 · Like · Follow Post · August 17 at 10:24pm Eric Richter · Top Commenter · San Diego, California We can assume based on the letters they wrote, and founding documents that these few members, descended from the age of enlightenment, had loftier goals then just consolidating power for the landed gentry. We The People as We The People just did not trickle down to Native Americans or Slaves,... We have come a long way since then,...The seed of this idea has translated slowly but still is in gestation. We are a nation of immigrants.. (why does this whole thing remind me of Gangs of New Reply · 1 · Like · August 19 at 12:32am James Sagen · Washington Wait, where does he say that the father must be deported? That was nowhere in the video. He says that we have laws and we need to follow those laws, and thats where were at. Thats the truth. Should he have lied to the little girl? Look, Im a democrat, I am against deportation, but Im also against illegal immigration (yes, there are democrats that believe illegal immigration is a crime). The man did what any politician would do: he didnt answer the question. He seemed at though he was going to give an answer as a MAN, but the crowd stopped him. Dont sucker people like me into reading your articles and watching the video, when Im able to tell what you did wrong here. This is bad journalism and you should be ashamed. Reply · 20 · Like · Follow Post · August 17 at 5:30pm Lynne McCann · Top Commenter · Works at Stay at home mom for now (yes, there are democrats that believe illegal immigration is a crime) Thats most unfortunate, since most people are Democrats because theyre better informed than this. There is no PENAL code on immigration. Its TRADE REGULATION. Kinda like regulations that dictate accuracy in product weights or description. Its a CIVIL offense, not a CRIME. You dont go to prison for it. The government CANT put anyone in prison for it. But they do have to sue the individual on the basis of unfair labor competition to be able to remove them from the country. Thats why immigration laws dont appear in the US Code. They appear only as regulations of an agency created by Congress in the 1920s. Theyre not laws at all. They were put in place under the claim of protecting labor from unfair competition. Now, monopolies? Price fixing? Unfair trade practices from corporations? Those ARE crimes. And yes, principals of the offending corporations CAN actually go to jail. One wonders how many Republicans and similar minded Democrats give a crap about those ACTUAL laws. Reply · 62 · Like · August 17 at 5:41pm Dave Johnson · Top Commenter · Santa Barbara, California The problem is not necessarily with his non-answer, but the fact that the crowd cheered so wildly after learning that a little girl was going to be separated from her father. However you might feel about immigration, how could you possibly cheer after learning that a child would be forced to live without a parent? For all the GOP preaches about sanctity of life, their respect for that life ends as soon as children of certain demographics leave the womb. Reply · 86 · Like · August 17 at 5:50pm Meg Seigenthaler · Top Commenter · University of Memphis Its too bad that you lack any deductive reasoning ability. Reply · 6 · Like · August 17 at 5:55pm View 14 more Mary Staley · Top Commenter · Works at Ive worked everywhere The effin teathuglikkkans are utterly heartless...Bet they all went out partying after breaking down that little girl. I hope they all die horribly in pain. Reply · 15 · Like · Follow Post · August 17 at 7:25pm Aaron Knight Shame on you Mary. And you claim the high moral ground??? Disgusting comment Reply · 9 · Like · August 17 at 8:29pm Patti Kintz · Top Commenter · Cypress Community College Good for Mary. Calling them out. There is no higher moral ground for tea-baggers to travel. They walk with slime and are happy to do so. Reply · 9 · Like · August 18 at 3:13pm Judi DelFranco · Top Commenter · Compter Processing Institute Seems the slimier the better they like it - never seen a bunch so happy to be hateful and disrespectful - one can only hope they have to put up with those just like themselves and feel how it is Reply · 3 · Like · August 18 at 3:39pm View 1 more Kurt Solheim · Top Commenter The Tea party has hate in their Tea.. Reply · 15 · Like · Follow Post · August 17 at 5:55pm Thomas Spear · Follow · Top Commenter · Lone Star College System Correction, I think its called Haterade. Reply · 14 · Like · August 17 at 8:32pm Eric Richter · Top Commenter · San Diego, California Its called fear. Reply · Like · Edited · August 19 at 12:32am Jeanie Gorley Taylor · Top Commenter · Indianapolis, Indiana What in the world? Who is going to take care of this child now? Have they thought about that? Reply · 11 · Like · Follow Post · August 17 at 6:27pm Jeanie Gorley Taylor · Top Commenter · Indianapolis, Indiana The fact that the GOP crowd cheered wildly that a child has now become and orphan...nauseating!!! Reply · 25 · Like · August 17 at 6:29pm Jenna E. Jane The child is NOT orphaned....her father is still alive, and she has every right to go b ack with him!!! Reply · 5 · Like · August 17 at 6:36pm Nancy VanderMolen Krempa · Owner/ President at Astral Products LLC Jennifer E. Jane - right, cuz thats soooo easy for young people. She can go back to a country that shes never even SEEN, probably doesnt know the language, without any resources whatsoever. Nice and compassionate of ya, there, lady. Hope you dont have children. Reply · 50 · Like · August 17 at 7:50pm View 16 more Lee Chambers · Top Commenter · German and Business Instructor at Ceres Unified School District I am a teacher and I saw the pain and fear that one of my best students experienced when both of his parents were deported. He had to go to live with a sister in order to stay in this country. In my home I have a framed certificate hanging that is dated 1875. It is the certificate that my great-grandfather received when he became a citizen of this country. He came from Wales at the age of four and every time that I see it it reminds me that I am the child of immigrants. We are a nation of immigrants. The best and the brightest and the strongest of the world came because of hope for a better life. I believe that we need immigration reform but in the meantime we cannot lose our hearts or our compassion or forget that immigration made us strong. Reply · 10 · Like · Follow Post · August 18 at 3:21pm Michael Burke · Top Commenter · School of Hard Knocks, The University of Life Our schools are also full of children of parents who are in prison for murder, rape, robbery, drug dealing, and other crimes. Illegal acts have penalties, and deportation is the kindest penalty we impose. Reply · 1 · Like · August 19 at 12:01am Adrienne Esposito My grandfather was a proud naturalized citizen. Once he received his citizenship, my grandmother and uncle became citizens. We have a large number of illegal immigrants in Texas. Ive counseled middle school students whose lives were disrupted by this as well. Its typical for one parent to be deported when both are illegally in the US if minor (citizen) children are involved. More times than not, its mom because dad is earning a living. So I imagine that the student that youre talking about is over 18. By the time I was 18, my parents no longer owed me a living... I was working and self supporting. Yes, its sad to see a child go through this but it is sadder when military parents are deployed. Some of these children will be attending daddy or mommys funeral. Reply · Like · August 22 at 7:12am Lee Chambers · Top Commenter · German and Business Instructor at Ceres Unified School District Actually this student was 15 and both parents were deported. His sister was 18 years of age and both he and his sister were born in this country.\ Reply · 1 · Like · August 22 at 8:00pm W Jeffrey Lee · East Windsor, Connecticut Cold hearted tea party bastards. May they all suffer some devastating fate. Reply · 8 · Like · Follow Post · August 17 at 7:49pm Andrew Scott How compassionate and tolerant of you. Reply · Like · August 18 at 11:19am Bïll Thömpson · Top Commenter · Customer happiness Guru at Olark Andrew Scott , dont sprain your wrist clutching your pearls Reply · 4 · Like · August 18 at 3:08pm Patti Kintz · Top Commenter · Cypress Community College Good for W Jeffrey Lee. He calls it as he sees it. Reply · Like · August 18 at 3:14pm View 2 more Alison Jean Eychaner-Stanley People make me sick. Reply · 7 · Like · Follow Post · August 17 at 5:30pm Maureen Poulin Germain · Top Commenter · Owner at MCP Credit repair, Owner, Me me too, I even make myself sick sometimes lol, not a funny matter I know, but you are right, but i would say SOME people make me sick as not everyone is so cruel and heartless. Reply · Like · August 17 at 9:29pm Nick Altieri · Top Commenter · Antelope Valley College This behavior is hateful. Reply · 6 · Like · Follow Post · August 17 at 5:45pm Kurt Solheim · Top Commenter Said it before and Ill say it again.... The only Real solution is for Mexico to join the Union as 8 new States....But too many narrow minded people both sides of the border will never agree.... Reply · 5 · Like · Follow Post · August 17 at 5:54pm Samantha Gump · Top Commenter · Customer Service Sales Associate at Hastings Entertainment That is a good idea and sadly it wont be done. People would not be able to handle (because of greed)actually having to pay them for the full price of labor. After all we did take most of their territory.I wish that others could see though that it would solve a lot and help both nations out if it were done correctly. Reply · 3 · Like · August 17 at 8:07pm Carlos Vinie · Follow · Tucson, Arizona Its like legalizing marijuana, if it is not convenient for the powers that be it wont be. Reply · Like · August 18 at 4:09am Sky Sullivan DeCiel · Follow · Top Commenter · Works at Non-employeed Samantha Holmes Even Americans arent being paid OUR full price of labor!!!!!! The problem is greater than just anti mexican right wingers, the problem IS RIGHT WINGERS PERIOD!!!!!!! Reply · 3 · Like · August 18 at 12:01pm View 3 more View 37 more Occupy Democrats Copyright © 2013.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 14:52:05 +0000

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