Watch as these good hearted, caring, peace loving, main stream - TopicsExpress


Watch as these good hearted, caring, peace loving, main stream muslim extremist give a little love, honor and respect to the dead who fought and died with honor to defend (Benghazi Libya) against the German and Italian forces in the war from 1939-45. In this video uploaded March 4, 2012. So gracefully they swing hammers or kick and pull over grave markers in a controlled and organized manner like a well oiled machine. They can not help them selves and must insist on desecrating any and all idols or things in their and surrounding countries that are not specific to their cult. They have a duty and obligation to destroy all Idols unknown to them as this may confuse those easily swayed and weak in faith. This is easy for them as they think the only god is their god and you must renounce your faith and praise their god and follow unto him or be treated lower than a dog and pay a bribe. Those they can not easily win over to believe in their fools errand of beliefs are to be killed. Just imagine the gentle nature of this peace loving cult in all their glory and grand wisdom spreading good tidings and great joy across the land as they so gently desecrate graves, tombs and places of worship across the land. Mind you these were the Benghazi War Cemetery and the Benghazi British Military Cemetery and the Commonwealth Commission War Graves (Benghazi Libya). They will even destroy other muslim graves, idols, places of warship, prayer towers, mosque and places of importance from ancient history that are not of their specific sect in the muslim faith. Just imagine how many terrorist and other evil diseased souls are making it across our open unsecure border and being shipped all over our country on our dime with Obamas blessing and aid. In fact if he had a son they would be just like these guys. These people wish to harm our country and all people of Christian, Jewish and other faiths from abroad and within our borders because in their eyes we are all infidels and not worthy. Just incase your curious as to their urge to destroy any and all idols that are not in favor with them read this. This is some lines pulled from different parts of a Koran pbs.twimg/media/Br36IlCIQAAztrX.jpg God Bless and Save our country and people from those who wish us harm.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 13:19:38 +0000

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