Watch carefully: Over the next few weeks as the liberal media - TopicsExpress


Watch carefully: Over the next few weeks as the liberal media will flood the low information voter with an unending chorus of how this election was a message that the American people want republicans to join hands across the aisle and work with the president and blah blah blah. The GOP needs to quit courting the media and start representing their base: That is NOT what we want. We elected the republican party to REBUKE the democrats and their socialist policies which have eviscerated our economy for the last 6 years. Left wing liberalism was sent packing and sent home. The democrat party has been found wanting and dismissed. We do NOT want the GOP to play nice. We want them to clean house. >We want Obamacare and all the other anti growth policies repealed > We want the border secured and the Keystone pipeline approved > We want spending cut and the budget balanced >We want amnesty stopped and marriage to be one man and one woman >We want Lois Lerner and Dennis Koskinenen from the IRS prosecuted and doing hard time >We want Benghazi investigated and Hillary Clinton charged with dereliction of duty and doing hard time > We want Eric Holder charged with prosecutorial malfeasance and doing hard time >We want Obama impeached for abuse of office and lawless abuse of power and overstepping the constitutional boundaries of his office >And the only reaching across the aisle we are interested in would be for purposes of throttling a radical Marxist democrat. We have been compromising our values for 6 years. Now we want justice, and conservative government - NOT a chorus of kumbyah with the people who have spent over half a decade shredding our liberty and taxing us into record government dependence. The GOP did not seize anything. Congress was given to them by the people they serve. They need to start acting like faithful stewards and not entitled oligarchs. What We the People have entrusted them with - We the People can take away. (Just ask the democrats as they are packing their desks and getting ready to go home and live under the laws they have rammed down OUR throats for the last 6 years.) PS: If anyone enjoys networking with fellow conservatives, shoot me a friend request - Chris Martineau Author If you enjoyed this post :) please share it :) And check out my book: “Right Jabs to the Left Wing – Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lunacy” here: amazon/Chris-Martineau/e/B00LT3O594/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0 It’s available in paperback and on Kindle. 100% of proceeds from ALL my books go to St Judes Childrens Hospital to help kids with life threatening diseases get treatment regardless of their familys ability to pay)
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 02:32:49 +0000

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