Watch out for the game fixtures! We will published the game - TopicsExpress


Watch out for the game fixtures! We will published the game fixtures today. But before we do that, we would like to highlight a few guidelines for the upcoming event: 1) If you are unfamiliar with the filling of air tank, please consult any of the available SPS staff or your fellow event attendees. Failure to comply can result in serious injury and/or death. All house tanks (Aluminium Tanks) can only fill up to 3000 psi, please do not overfill the tanks. All Carbon Fibre tanks can fill up to 4500 psi. 2) Use only air tank which are valid for use and not expired. Air tanks which have expired MUST not be used during the event. If unsure on tank validity, please check with Ben Seow, SPS Tournament Promoter. 3) Please do not smoke within Red Dynasty Paintball Park. Smokers are kindly reminded to smoke outside the premise. SPS is a sporting event and we should uphold our sporty and healthy branding. 4) Please only wear rubber turf shoes for the event, we do not allow the use of soccer cleats or golf shoes as the artificial turf field will not be able to withstand the beating from the slides. Players with soccer cleats or golf shoes will not be allowed onto the field. Please take note. 5) Please assist us to clear all rubbish within your area after use, this is to facilitate another team to takeover the teams area so that they can prepare for their games. Trash bags will be provided on site. 6) SPS is a house paint only event. Please do not bring in external paintballs. We will conduct random checks on your gearbags at the entrances. All external paintballs found will be disposed off immediately. Unused paintballs from Day 1 will have to be deposited and recorded before teams exit. Paintballs will be sold at $95 or $100 per box of 2000 rounds depending on the brand and type. 7) All players MUST read all game rules and regulations before participation. We will update and make announcement on rules update in the later post. Please be ready to share these information with your team. 8) All paintball markers used during the event are registered with the event organizer, we will not condone the use of unregistered markers by any individual or team as this is against the Arms and Explosives regulation set by the Singapore Police Force. We will not hesitate to disqualify and ban any player or team from the SPS who violate this regulation. 9) Please be reminded to hydrate yourself throughout the event. We have had past incidents of heat exhaustion and players requiring medical attention due to the lack of hydration. There will be drinks booth and vendors who will be able to supply you with isotonic drinks during the event. 10) Lastly, please enjoy the games and have fun balling one another. Paintball is a sport and we will uphold the true meaning of sportsmanship during the event. If there are any clarification, please do not hesitate to email us at info@singaporepaintballseries or PM us and we will be pleased to reply to your queries.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 10:40:29 +0000

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