Watch this Video and do what he says!!! Lets come at Trayvon - TopicsExpress


Watch this Video and do what he says!!! Lets come at Trayvon and Brown from a different perspective! The System denied Anthony Stokes a Heart Transplant. Rodney King got the Snot beat out of himself by the Police! O J Simpsom walked after killing his Ex and her Boyfriend! Trayvon Martin is killed by Zimmerman and Zimmerman walks! Brown is shot and killed by Cop Wilson! The news reports are already declaring Wilson is going to Walk. I guess we will see? How could Wilson Walk??? When they release the Squad Car Audio and Video ??? Hmmmm??? Then after Wilson walks will Black people run around beating up Cops (Mexicans) and white People? This is what happened when Zimmerman was set free! Black people went out and beat up Mexicans and Whites all over America! I am fully aware that this small percentage of Black People do not speak for the Black Community! I am also aware that this small percentage of the Black Community looks larger than it is because the News Media is putting forth this false perception! So what is going on??? Dan 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. Right there it is! Time after Time the Black Community is given hopes of an American Uprising only to find out it isnt going to happen! The THEY are wearing out the Black Community with each new event! Come on, think about it! Its pretty clear there is to many Black Americans that want a Civil War and every time it looks like it might happen, nothing happens! The THEY are wearing out the Black Community! Listen to this video and do what he says!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 23:33:44 +0000

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