Watch this and see where you are in life Robert kiosaki - TopicsExpress


Watch this and see where you are in life Robert kiosaki kapai.thecustomeradvantage Have You Ever Done Something – One Thing That Totally Changed Your Life Forever? If You Want Breakthrough Results… You Need A Breakthrough Experience! Announcing: Kapai.thecustomeradvantage & You Reinvent Yourself and Your Business The Kapai.thecustomeradvantage & You Program is unforgettable!! It’s a Global experience that can help you to join an elite group of Business Owners, CEO’s, Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Educators who have achieved results – beyond the ordinary Presented By HOME OF THE YOU SERIES The Pioneer of Entrepreneurial Education Since 2002 Attitude leads us to Knowledge; altitude is demonstrated Knowledge we call wisdom The “Business Gurus” Seminar Dear Friend: Are you still worrying about money? Do you still have dreams that are unfulfilled? Do you feel time is quickly running out for you? If so, this may be the most exciting thing you’ll ever read. Why? The answer is simple. And I am going to tell you exactly how you can… Do what you love and make all the money you want Be in total control of your business, time and your activities Have the relationships you want and time to enjoy them Feel more joy, passion and love in your life Not only that, you can join an elite network of leaders and entrepreneurs world-wide who are enjoying a level of financial and personal freedom that most people only dream about! Are you struggling with any of the following challenges? Income Plateau – You work harder and longer than ever, but your earning power has leveled off… just when you need more income for your growing family, for your children’s education, to pay for your home, or to save for retirement. Job Promotion Ceiling – Your company is hiring younger people and paying them lower salaries, and you see there is nowhere you can go but out! Maybe some of these younger people are promoted or hired above you! Professional Obsolescence – You invested years of study and experience in a trade or profession, and now it is obsolete… flooded with lower-paid competition… or eliminated due to new technology. Right Ladder, Wrong Building – You’ve been enjoying a great career, but your company or industry falls apart, taking you down with it! Low Pay, Love Work – You love your work, despite the low income. Maybe you believe “money isn’t everything” – but you and your family pay the price. Your children go without, you worry about the bills, and you have no cushion in case of emergency or illness. If the stress doesn’t kill you, your meager retirement may make you wish it had. High Pay, Hate Work – You are trapped in “golden handcuffs.” You’re making a good income, but you hate your work. Maybe you chose a career your parents wanted for you, and your own dreams and desires are unfulfilled. Low Pay, Hate Work – you have a job, but you feel like a slave. You are barely existing, working from paycheck to paycheck, with no way out. Eternal Student – You’ve learned a lot, but you don’t seem to be able to apply what you’ve learned. Maybe you feel you just need to learn more to be successful. When in doubt, disenchanted, bored or unfulfilled, you go back to school. Life Lived Through Your Kids – You are unfulfilled, so you pressure your children to do what you never did. You expect them to live your life for you, instead of finding their own lives. (This is a common cause of childhood rebellion, drug abuse, and crime.) If you find yourself facing any of these challenges, then please realize you are not alone. Also please realize no matter how many mistakes you’ve made, or what’s happened to you in life, there is a way out. And it’s easier than you think, if you are ready for it. If you are ready to have a different kind of life, then it is urgent you attend the next Kapai.customeradvantage Program. You see, even though statistics show that 66% of all World are continually worrying about money – yet, at the same time, hundreds of thousands of average people are becoming financially secure, feeling free and happy, and achieving their dreams. What’s the difference? That’s simple: The financially secure person learns how money& deals really works, and takes action on that knowledge. Now It’s Your Turn! The Kapai.thecustomeradvantage Program is coming to an area near you soon. It’s an unforgettable 3-1/2 day experience that can help you join an elite group of leaders and entrepreneurs who have achieved their dreams, and who are now eager to help you do the same. Become the area manager To day Field Development Plan NOTE: All existing Area Directors that fill out an Area Director Agreement before October 1st will be grandfathered in as a Field Manager. Field Coordinator To become Field Coordinator: ( Field Coordinator is subject to approval by Corporate and field leadership board ) Step 1. Apply. Step 2. A field Coordinator is in training until 5 businesses are enrolled within a single calendar month or minimum 10 businesses are enrolled and approved. 1% will go to Field Coordinator and 1% will go Upline to *qualified Field Manager or Field Director First 10 businesses enrolled by Field Coordinator will always pay 1% to qualified Field Coordinator and Upline Field Manager. Field Manager To become Field Manager: ( Field Manager is subject to approval by Corporate and field leadership board ) Step 1. Apply with Field director letter of intent. Step 2. Achieve 5 approved, enrolled and featured businesses in a single calendar month and have 10 directly managed Field Coordinators or develop 10 directly managed field coordinators each with 5 approved businesses in a single calendar month. Field Manager receives 1% override of all businesses managed by Field Coordinators. Field Manager receives 2% of all personally managed business promotional sales volume. First 5 businesses enrolled by Field Coordinator/Manager will always pay 1% to qualified Field Coordinator and Upline Field Manager. Field Director Field Director is to oversee Field Coordinators/Managers in their downline and from time to time, corporately assigned Field Coordinators/Managers. Field Directors are to motivate and be the first contact for all needs of Field Coordinators/Managers. They are to support the Field Coordinators/Managers in their sales efforts. As the Group grows and more businesses come online within the Field Directors group, it may be necessary to hire support staff. To become Field Director: ( Field Director is subject to approval by Corporate and field leadership board ) Apply for Field Director position. Achieve 50 promotion business accounts for 3 consecutive months with minimum avg. 50 sales each. Have 10 Field Coordinators that you manage directly each with 50 business accounts each with avg. 50 sales each. Field Director will receive 1% override of all Directly Managed Field Managers/Coordinators and their group business promotional sales. Field Directors that have promoted another directly managed Field Director will be positioned in the company wide bonus pool. This bonus pool is .5% of the total company business promotional sales. Each Directly Managed Field Director will qualify for a bonus point calculated by total value of bonus pool divided by number of Field Directors. Field Director 50 promotional business accounts 10 front line Field Coordinators/Managers with 50 business accounts each. Field Manager 5 Front line Business accounts and/or 10 Front line Field Coordinators. 1% of all Directly Managed Field Managers and their Group (not below another Field Director) Field Coordinator 100% Match bonus of all personally managed Field Coordinator directly managed business sales commission. 200% Match bonus of all personally managed Field Coordinators directly managed business sales commission. 1% of total sales by personally managed businesses 2% of total sales by personally managed businesses 3% of total sales by personally managed business All results are dependent on individual efforts; you may do more or less. The following examples are for illustration purposes only. Note: TCA is a new company and no one has achieved these results yet. Example for Field Manager: (not including 5% group overrides) Average business sales ( as we mature ) 200 Average purchase size: $20.00 Dollar value (avg. sales X $20.00): $4000.00 Area Revenue 30 days (30 featured businesses in their portfolio): $120,000.000 Field Manager Commission @2% ($120,000 x 2%): $2400.00 mo. 4 Areas ( 4 businesses per day ) @2%: $9600.00 mo. Field Director Overrides: (not including 5% group overrides) 10 Field Managers each with 30 deals per month in their management: $12,000.00 mo. potential (10 Field Managers) x (200 avg. sales) x ($20.00 avg. purchase price) x (1%) x (30 days)x (1 area per Field Manager) = $12,000.00 mo. $24,000.00 mo. potential (10 Field Managers) x (200 avg. sales) x ($20.00 avg. purchase price) x (1%) x (30 days)x (2 area per Field Manager) = $24,000.00 mo. $36,000.00 mo. potential (10 Field Managers) x (200 avg. sales) x ($20.00 avg. purchase price) x (1%) x (30 days)x (3 area per Field Manager) = $36,000.00 mo. [Attitude leads us to Knowledge; Altitudes is demonstrated Knowledge we call wisdom] marketingmillionaire/viral/tymewise/ Regards :Tane: Rakau : Tane:(Rakau) capitis diminutio minima, All Rights Powers Privileges Benefits, Duties, Liabilities Reserved. only in his capacity as beneficiary of the Original Jurisdiction. Consultant-Coach S+64 9 889 8078 P+64 9 9744297 F+64 9 2999829 E [email protected] w Inc
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 10:41:51 +0000

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