Watch ye , stand fast in the faith , quit you like men , be strong - TopicsExpress


Watch ye , stand fast in the faith , quit you like men , be strong . 11 CORINTHIANS 16:13 My how the church is lacking men these days . Men of strength , boldness , and courage ! Hardly a day goes by when someone doesnt squirm and get all worked up when some big bad old MEANIE happens to call someone an idiot or a snake , or a simpleton , or a dumb-bell ! Squirmy little Christians (so-called) getting all up in a tither over being put in their place with a big , bad , wordy-dird ! O , my ! I am so glad these spineless little babies who call themselves Christians do not have to go through the Great Tribulation -- because they would never make it for even a day . I have an idiot on here named Jennifer , who has been doing nothing all morning but private messaging me and complaining about how a minister of God ought never to call anyone a big , bad , naughty name . ALL I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THESE GREAT VALIANT WARRIORS of THE FAITH IS , PATHETIC !!!!!! Man , O , man ! What has the church come to !!!! You people ; men and women ; are a disgrace and embarrassment to Jesus !!!!!!!! You falsely claim you want to be like Jesus , and yet you wimper and whine , and run to Mommy for your titty bottle or soother to suck on whenever you hear one of those big naughty words come out of someones mouth like , SERPENTS , VIPERS , HYPOCRITES , IDIOT , FOOLISH , etc. ! Words that even Jesus , John , Paul and others have happened to use at times ! And you get up in a tither because a MINISTER would have the audacity to say such a big , bad , naughty word such as these ????? YOU ARE CRITICIZING THE LORD JESUS CHRIST WHEN YOU OPEN YOU STUPID MOUTH LIKE THIS AND COMPLAIN ABOUT IT !!!!! GO HOME . KNEEL DOWN BESIDE YOUR CRIB . ASK FORGIVENESS . REPENT OF YOUR NONSENSE . Then get up and get a life ! DONT WASTE JESUS TIME OR MY TIME ON ANY MORE STUPIDITY !
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 18:28:50 +0000

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