Watched Lekure Udand Jhali, a marathi drama.. It dealt with a - TopicsExpress


Watched Lekure Udand Jhali, a marathi drama.. It dealt with a subject that is a topic of perpetual discussion-- having children. Choosing to have one or no child is still a social decision rather than personal. Heres a couple (on the wrong side of 30) who has everything in life except for a child. The drama is not about why they dont have children but something that may come as a surprise. There are relatives from the husband as well as the wifes family who want one of their children to be adopted by this so-far childlesss couple. These people are after the money of this rich couple. Their arguement What will you do with all this money and big house? You dont even have a child. Other people too keep asking for their money using the same argument. Well... how does it matter to these people where the couple spends their money. The couple is suddenly faced with bankruptcy and suddenly everyone vanishes for a while. But they come back with plans for bailing the couple out of bankruptcy, with their intersts well guarded. Alas.. the end is a bit predictable. Even the author of the drama gives in to the social need to have a baby. So the wife is finally expecting and soon they will have their own baby. And this puts an end to all the speculation about the couple adopting a child. Even today society is not comfortable with a couple having a child late in life or not having a child at all. Here starts the name calling and whispering behind the back and the constant question so when r u giving us the good news? Puhleez... with all due respect to society and its norms, this is a personal thing and best left to the couple.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 14:33:58 +0000

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