Watched PK. Awesome movie. I highly recommend it. Highly - TopicsExpress


Watched PK. Awesome movie. I highly recommend it. Highly entertaining. My guess is that even if one doesnt understand Hindi beyond some basic words, the situations are easily understandable. I watch an average of 2-3 movies a year - and then usually rant for next few hours about how I disliked those! Watching PK was a rare and refreshing change. Only other movie I have written about (on Facebook) and recommended in the last four years is Lucia. ** SPOILER ALERT*** Do not read below if you dont want to know the plot *** I think the director. Rajkumar Hirani, has done a very sensitive job. It is challenging enough to touch the topic of religious practices in a highly excitable society like ours. It is even more difficult to make an entertaining movie that attempts to drive home the point that many things we take way too seriously as human beings (such as wearing ANY clothes) are just the matter of conventions rather than being dictated by an all-knowing GOD. The movie touch upon many issues in the society - including corruption (selling of black movie tickets which used to be shamelessly open and common in India, police taking bribe etc). As seen through the eyes of a stranded alien - who claims that he is from a planet where people look just like homo sapiens, but do not wear clothes, who have no concept of lying and who communicate with each other mind-to-mind rather than words - the movie exposes a series of issues and concerns - such as stealing, poverty, begging, religious bigotry in the minds of common people, how people fall for self-proclaimed god-men etc. The movie even touches upon how frivolous some TV channels can get if they are starved for stories and/or are afraid of showing real issues. I saw a lot of facebook posts claiming the movie only makes fun of practices of Hinduism. I found this totally untrue. The movie nicely makes fun of pretty much every Indian religion - (except may be Digambara Jains - perhaps a scene could have been included where the alien first mistakes them for his planet-mates). The movie even brings up an instance of polygamous Muslim husband with 3 burqa-clad wives, school going Muslim girls being threatened, bomb-blasting in the name of religion etc. The main female character of the movie falls in love with a Pakistan man while both were in Belgium. Through this couple, the movie even touches upon the bigotry related to nationality and religion. Through a Hindu god-man, the movie exposes how many innocent citizens are cheated by their claim to know god, visualise their future, cure illnesses etc - and who raise lot of money and live lavish life themselves. All in all, very entertaining movie with nice twists to some scenes. I think there are a few more issues the movie touches upon. If anyone remembers anything I missed, please post as a comment. I consider this a public-service movie and hope that the movie will win many awards. Being an entertaining movie, my hope is that this will reach a lot of people that a typical serious art movie on the same issues would have reached. Although too much knowledge of Hindi is not required to understand this movie, I hope this will be dubbed in all Indian languages to reach even larger number of people.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 10:41:24 +0000

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