Watched The Breakfast Club for the first time. Just one of - TopicsExpress


Watched The Breakfast Club for the first time. Just one of those movies I never got around to. LOVED IT! Should have been up for Best Picture for 1985 and easily should have won Best Original Screenplay. This cast of characters..... Its like Star Wars or The Princess Bride, just one classic character after another. I think its a shame this movie happened in 1985, before Hollywood really knew what to do with younger actors. John Hughes is really the only guy who knew how to use them and Amy Heckerling. Because if this movie came out now, each of those kids would have the careers of guys like Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, Anna Kendrick, Ellen Page, Michael Cera, the younger actors on shows like Game of Thrones, etc. Because WHOA are they incredible actors, or at least Hughes got some incredible performances out of them. That confession scene towards the end. Powerful stuff. When Brian said he had a gun in his locker I started to tear up. Like Stand By Me, another movie that just hits me where I live. You watch this movie and pick out which aspects of these characters are you at that age and now. So real, those characters. The character that stood out the most for me was Allison, Ally Sheedy. The Basket Case. Every time she opened her mouth, it was a slam dunk. Like talking about sleeping with her therapist and then immediately saying she made it up. Impossible not to love her. Which brings me to my one complaint with this movie. When out of nowhere Claire gives her a makeover to look, ya know.... better. One look at her and I kinda got a little sad. Oh no. I thought to myself. You take the most unique character in the film and then try to make her popular. That was the only thing in the movie I thought was bullshit. First off, she looked better before. And it just kinda almost ruined the character for me. Id have much preferred some kind of reversal where she has Claire look more unkempt or maybe after Claire leaves the room she takes it all off. I dont know, I didnt like it. Itd be like if Bender was suddenly wearing a suit and tie. Thats not him. And Andrew suddenly finding her attractive then. Like she wasnt before. It would have been such a beautiful moment if he did go with her but instantly said I dont care what you look like. Had a try to fit in message that I think goes against the whole movie. I really wish I could ask Hughes why he did that. Anyway. ASIDE from that nitpick, this is a flawless movie. I was surprised how genuinely funny it was 30 years later now. The smoking scene, I was worried it would come off as dated. It didnt. Brian messing with the sunglasses and a blues man voice. And Andrew going nuts, running around the library, slamming the door and the glass crashing. That was hysterical. And just about everything Bender said. I had no idea that Eat my shorts. was his line. Why the hell does Bart Simpson get the credit for that? Hes like the Han Solo of high school movies. Damn, itd be awesome if Judd Nelson made some kind of The Wrestler-style comeback. Because he kinda stole the show. So, I love this movie. Unnecessary makeover aside, this is a freakin classic. I can totally see why it has the adoration it has. Masterpiece.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 06:33:00 +0000

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