Watched a segment of 20/20 on psychics last night. The - TopicsExpress


Watched a segment of 20/20 on psychics last night. The individuals highlighted in that coverage were NOT psychic. They were THIEVES and horrifically unethical using the title psychic to manipulate vulnerable people in need of guidance and healing. While I do not use the term psychic to define what I do, being psychic means you have an enhanced multisensory ability to process higher frequencies of energy not easily perceived through ordinary physical senses. Like any skill or talent that is gifted and carefully honed, it can be used to serve a Higher Cause or bring suffering. This is true in any profession. One of the women in the coverage, who was a victim said (after being robbed by a horrible fraud) dont go see a psychic. While this advise may prove wise to many, the individuals who committed these frauds were NOT psychic. An ethical professional using his/her multisensory gifts to serve clients and communities by seeing into non-ordinary realities and communicating with the world of spirit: ~ will never ask you for large sums of money to remove curses, spells, darkness or injury ~ will never cultivate dependency on his/her abilities ~ will empower, inspire and uplift you into positive action that promotes thriving in all areas of your life ~ will reveal insights and healing pathways even when they point the client to healers OUTSIDE of his/her area of expertise ~ will not appeal to your ego; rather will speak to your divine nature ~ will reveal pathways to fulfilling your souls purpose/potential and not reveal predictions as though they are facts ~ will only commune with benevolent spirits ~ will not promote products and services that only he/she can provide. ~ do not usually call themselves psychics even when they use psychic abilities to serve their communities. ~ will offer some services pro-bono or in negotiable terms to promote empowered thriving.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 12:27:33 +0000

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