Watched a series by Joyce Myers last night on controlling your - TopicsExpress


Watched a series by Joyce Myers last night on controlling your mouth... she was talking about lying…. That she had filled out a questionnaire and thought to herself that the particular question was none of their business and she checked no when the answer was a yes …. That that evening the Holy Spirit woke her up and dealt with her about it being a lie…. It may be a little white lie …. But a lie is a lie…. She continue to talk about how someone had called her and told her something and she thought to herself when she got off the phone that she should keep that conversation to herself and the first person she ran into, she told them about it and immediately felt awful…. On both occasions she repented… several times she said… even though once was enough she felt the need to repent several times…. How many times have we said… well it is just a little white lie???? How many times have we opened our mouth when we should have kept it shut??? We need to search ourselves … I know I had to really do some soul searching. I had to make some changes in my life. Even if it is just writing the wrong/false information on something / checking the wrong box/ changing the dates …. It is still a lie… If we tell someone that we will check into something and never do… it is still a lie…. Sometimes we don’t mean to lie… but in most cases we just make excuses to ourself… “Oh, it is just a little white lie”… well a lie is a lie… Lord, help me be more like you. Help me be truthful in all that I do. At Church, at home, at work or out in the public… Help me to keep my mind clear of clutter… help me have mental clarity… help to make GODLY decision… not decisions based on my feeling or what I think… Help me forgive others .. Help me to not hold grudges ….. Lord, I surrender my life to you…
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 18:14:26 +0000

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