Watchers Test Question: Close your eyes and pretend you awoke - TopicsExpress


Watchers Test Question: Close your eyes and pretend you awoke one morning to find you had a new President. A president you never heard of, a president you never voted for. Your new president was voted in by a secret ballot within his own government. A man who makes more power and earns more money than any American president in history. Imagine a world where you had no say in the laws of your own country. Every bill passed, every law, every change in law all done in secret within his government. A world without a voting congress where the people had no say. A president who at the stroke of a pen could make any law, determine what was classified or no longer classified with virtually no restrictions of anyone outside of his government. Imagine this type of president controlling a currency within his government and not independent like the U.S. Fed. Imagine this type of president bailing out one country after the other. Once he bails out your country he forces you to accept his currency and locks you into his style of government. Once you’re in, you’re locked in and your country may never get out. Your country debts belong to him, you have to pay him back before you can be removed. He will his government a union yet he has the ability to create and enforce laws under fine, and imprisonment. What if you were told that a president of this kind of government was holding hands with the Prime Minister of Israel only a few days ago. Guess what it’s not a dream at all if you live in Europe. I am speaking of the government of Europe right now. https://youtube/watch?v=31_QPB-hZ_I Is the current president a candidate for the AC? Not in the least BUT !! WATCH EUROPE AND WATCH THE LEADERSHIP OF EUROPE.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 18:15:09 +0000

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