Watching CNN Sunday saw James Baker, who was an high ranking - TopicsExpress


Watching CNN Sunday saw James Baker, who was an high ranking member of both Bush Administrations. He was talking about the Grand Bargain and said the problem was that the Democrats wanted a 50, 50 split on new revenue and entitlement cuts but were not willing to count the last tax increase as part of this bargain. Mr Baker seems to have forgotten how we got this $17 trillion plus debt what we now wish to pay down. It starts in the Reagan Adm, increases under papa Bush, who continues to run huge deficits, then Clinton eliminates the deficits and begins to pay down the debt. Then we get George W. Bush, and his tax cuts for the wealthy, two wars, one of which we did not need to fight and the other where we dont need to be nation building for people, who still live in the 5th century. Not to mention the largest recession since the great depression. Enter Obama and his stimulus to fix the recession. All the time the republicans are creating every headwind they can against our recovery. So now Obama has reduced the deficits by half during the last four years. The republicans always want to forget how this debt was accumulated. 29% of this debt is owned to the social security and Medicare trust funds. This money was taken from these trust funds to pay the shortage created by G. W. Bush tax cuts we could not afford. We have been spending more on the military alone than we take in from income tax revenue. So the problem is not run away entitlement programs it is the failure of the super wealthy to pay their fair share in taxes due to the tax loopholes Bush and the republicans created for them. As usual the rich get richer but now this is happening at the fastest rate in our history and their greed will never abate. The republicans holler about programs for the poor and yes some people take advantage of these programs but it is pennies compared to millions of dollars, when compared to what the super rich is stealing from us. If you are on social security or your parent or grand parent is you need to understand they want to cut your benefits. The average social security check is about $1,100 a month, these people can not take a cut and live. We have already seen what they plan for Medicare. Their voucher plan will cost everyone on Medicare another $500 a month. Where would this money come from for people on social security, you kids? The answer is it will kill the Medicare program and that is the reason they are proposing it. Lucky for you there is a solution to this problem, just vote for the democrat in November 2014. Or better yet run for congress as a republican yourself. It takes very few votes in the republican caucuses. That how the tea party wins. Just get a list of the people that voted last time and go talk to them and explain how your plan differs from the tea party. The job pays $174,000 a year and it has a lot of perks like free travel to about any place in the world.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 23:58:46 +0000

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