Watching Nina Simone videos with the most profound love and deep - TopicsExpress


Watching Nina Simone videos with the most profound love and deep spiritual-emotional connection...and also remembering why some kitchens and dining rooms are by nature too hot and too comfortable for many. Yet they come anyway even though they cant really take the heat nor the comfortable seating and yet we still cook for them and serve them and sit down with them knowing that in no way can they appreciate the meal and the ambiance with anything near the amount of appreciation that equals the joy and honesty and vulnerability that was tapped into with all the preparations we made. Yet we continue to cook and set tables and serve with grace because that is what we do. And we pretend we are loved although we are quite certain that we are not, at least not by this lot...Ahh...but there is always Leopoldo Fleming and there is always Al Schackman. Yes, there is always Leopoldo and there is always Al. Thank you Jesus you is a good Lawd, yes you is.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 03:50:34 +0000

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