Watching Sunday politics (Scotland) and tell you what, it is so - TopicsExpress


Watching Sunday politics (Scotland) and tell you what, it is so obvious that the powers at be are very, very scared of what will possibly happen next May at the UK general election. As all they seemed to want to do, is to try and get any SNP politician to state that no independence will happen for a generation, or if at all anytime in the future, even if 100% of the people decided they wanted it, instead of actually holding all three UK unionist parties and Westminster government to task over their false promises of Super Duper Devo Max , Federalism type powers that are so much better than 100% powers independence would have given. As they trying to make out somehow, that the SNP promised that, when they did no such thing, as only Alex Salmond has said, that in his own opinion, not anyone elses opinion , that he thought the questions of independence would not come back around for a generation, unless the people of Scotland themselves decided they did not want to wait that long, which for me, I hope that is next May. Seriously folks what people need to take away from this, is that at no point has any of the three unionist parties, Westminster government or any of the unionist media outlets like the BBC, have ever said that, UDI, can not happen legally if that is what the people of Scotland may want in the near or distant future by all of us, only voting for the pro-independence parties and their mps and msps at all elections. No all they have been trying to do, is try and make us think that we need to drop the idea of independence if we want it, if or should I say. WHEN, the three unionist parties and Westminster government fail to deliver what they have all falsely promised or lied to us about, in regards to the Super Duper Devo Max, Federalism type powers that , as said, are so much better than 100% real powers independence would have given. As on many occasions, it is much more important to listen to, what is not being said, as opposed to what is being said, especially by unionists and on this subject, not one person has said, or is saying that, UDI, cannot happen, or it is illegal, if and when we all vote for 59 SNP mps, or 59 pro-independence mps, into Westminster come the UK general election next May and then again, only vote for all the pro-independence msps and parties into Holyrood in 2016. No all they doing is trying to threaten and warn people and the SNP and other pro-independence parties not to go for independence through the back door, failing to realise, that if we the people of Scotland do actually unite next May, regardless of how we voted in the referendum and decide that we want, UDI because Westminster government and all unionist parties have betrayed and failed us over their promises, then we will take our independence peacefully and legally, without another referendum and there is nothing that they can do about it. Saor Alba.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 11:44:58 +0000

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