Watching an episode of Spooks and a female agent squeezes a - TopicsExpress


Watching an episode of Spooks and a female agent squeezes a suspects balls. Though we dont see the actual squeeze, us thick viewers are kindly helped to envisage this by a helpful sound effect which is awfully close to mincemeat being squelched around a bit or a wet balloon being fondled. Perhaps she used a crisp packet for added discomfort? This led us at 171 to compile several sounds that do not generally occur in real life but are used in TV and films to illustrate an obvious fact. 1. The arrival of a cat. This generally silent animal is always heralded with a miaow as it enters. I cant get a miaow out of my two cats even when tempting them with dreamies. 2. Kissing. The most appalling embarrassing sucking noises issue forth from any romantic coupling, making me think they have a rubber gasket between them. 3. Guns. No matter what, a gun must always make a noise to prove to us dopey viewers that it has moving parts. The off setting of a safety catch or cocking the weapon must be accompanied by a metallic clank. Even just lifting and pointing the gun must be very noisy-as if having an automatic pistol pointed at your face isnt frightening enough. 4. Mobile phones. Spies are whispering into them so as not to alert the enemy yet when they are called back by the high command it has to have a loud ringtone because they clearly forgot to use the silent/vibrate function....surely the first lesson in spy school is how not to be heard by the enemy. 5. Time bombs. They must tick...even when theres an LED digital readout. 6. Computers-they always have to be typed as noisily and speedily as possible.....the sound after you hit enter is followed by a loud buzz so we know the command has been sent....I assume frantic mouse clicking would not be so dramatic? 7. Silencers. They emit a discernible Plop and make a hell of a racket when screwing them onto the gun. In this age of advancement, hasnt anyone actually come up with a really quiet gun that doesnt need a silencer? 8. Theres a mobile to mobile call and the unseen caller hangs hear a click and a tone...why doesnt my mobile do that? Which company has a mobile that sounds like a payphone? 9. Satellites-they are always bleeping and ringing like a fax machine so we know theyre switched space. 10. Old film footage....why does it make a crackling and flapping sound as it runs out even though its being watched on a giant computer screen rather than a cine camera? More soon, but feel free to share your annoying unnecessary film noises.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 19:37:08 +0000

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