Watching cancer grow with my very own eyes has been one of theeee - TopicsExpress


Watching cancer grow with my very own eyes has been one of theeee most frustrating things Ive ever experienced. Its like a real-life monster growing inside of someone I love. A monster that is attacking her from the inside-out. Organ by organ. Breath after breath. I cant do anything about it. I cant even touch it. All I can do is watch it destroy her with a big fat smile on its face. Then I take my eyes off of IT and turn to His Word where Im reminded of the hope and the strength and the peace...such sweet peace found only in Him. He is with TaPin through this valley of the shadow of death and she need not fear, and neither should I. (Psalm 23:4) Even though cancer is eating up her flesh, it is cancer that will stumble and fall in the TaPin looks upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! (Psalm 27:2, 13) Im reminded to be still, and know He is God. That no matter how difficult this is, His glory will be revealed. (Psalm 46:10, Isaiah 40:5) I trust TaPin has made the Lord her dwelling place - her refuge. (Psalm 91:9) Im reminded how temporary our lives here on earth are, but the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. (Psalm 103:15-17) When TaPin cries to the Lord for help, He hears her will deliver her. THAT is how she can look so peaceful - even in the in the midst of this war going on in her body. (Psalm 34:17) TaPins strength will be renewed. TaPin will mount up with wings like eagles. TaPin will run and not be weary. TaPin will walk and not faint. Maybe not here on earth, but in her perfect and glorified body in Heaven! (Isaiah 40:31) As I read to TaPin I repeat a few times, in a slightly louder vouce: Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you will find rest for your soul. (Matthew 11:28-29) As I pray for TaPin to be healed so she can live, I know the Lord will answer my prayer because TaPin believes in Him. Whether the healing comes here on earth or in Heaven in the form of a perfect, pain-free, cancer-free body - only He knows right now. (John 11:25) Im thankful that when Im afraid, no matter how much the monsters frustrate and scare me, I just need to put my trust in Him. (Psalm 56:3) I HATE cancer, but I love you, TaPin...
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 06:37:10 +0000

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