Watching one of my favorite all time Christmas Movies (LOVE - TopicsExpress


Watching one of my favorite all time Christmas Movies (LOVE ACTUALLY). Other than Its a Wonderful Life this is currently the movie that makes me laugh, cry and inspires me to believe in LOVE...... in all its forms!!! Also saw an amazing true life story/movie (The Imitation Game) with Benedict Cumberbatch who gives one of the very best performances of the year. Have to tell you that this story touches me deeply and reminds me of how all through history so many extraordinary men and woman have paid the ultimate price for being too far ahead of their time with inspired revelations, out of the box insights and new technologies that terrified humanity. We humans seem to be so affraid of what we dont understand and even though we want and need real change in this world and in our lives we end up repeating our same old habit patterns and rituals that have out worn their time and effectiveness. Men and woman through history with new revolutionary ideas have been thrown in dungeons, burned at the stake, tortured for being too different and not fitting in. I hope the time is coming soon when we will realize that real change requires courage and the willingness to let go of the familiar and what may seem to feel safer, but in the end leads all of us to the same painful conclusions where were not ever really happy or fulfilled in our lives and the world continues down the same path of constant turmoil, upheaval and lack of fairness and balance. We all have such untapped potential that could bring so many amazing things into the world, but we settle for so little because real change and the risk of failure terrifies us to the core. Thank God for those very few and very rare world changers who didnt give up and had the heart and courage to go against public opinion and the powers that be to bring us revolutionary ideas and technologies that have moved this planet forward in its evolution. My 2015 wish for all of you is to find the faith to let go of what no longer works in your life and make room for the new. Trust your gut, your intuition and find the courage to travel some new and even possibly risky roads in your life and find out what rocks your boat and nourishes your heart and soul. Is just getting by enough for you guys. Is just being relatively ok enough for you. Are you tired of being in pain, frustrated and unhappy. Weve all been given the power to create heaven or hell in our lives and in this world and it starts with each one of us making some enpowered and profound changes in our lives that will bless each and every one of us. Love and many hugs to you all!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 05:27:50 +0000

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