Watching the Commissioners meetings online. Its interesting that - TopicsExpress


Watching the Commissioners meetings online. Its interesting that people I dont even know and have never been through the doors of my business have the nerve to throw around the name of my health club or others in this area commenting on what we offer the people (or dont offer). Or they comment on what our future business plans and capital improvements are. Really? You know what we are all doing or planning? So I invite those who are doing this - call us at 443-262-9994 or call one of the other clubs and you can spend a week in the life of a small business/health club owner. If you are going to comment on what we do, how we do it or what we offer, you should at least know what you are talking about. Make sure to put aside 6 days in that week to work and 12-18 hour days because THAT is how hard we work and understand that memberships/training that we comp, discount and donate to various local auctions come out of our pockets. No donations or volunteers here. And keep your cell phone on 24/7 because thats what we do - because our business runs 24/7. Nobody gets into fitness to get rich. We do it because we LOVE helping people get healthier and happier. And Commissioner Bob Simmons, you NEVER approached us and asked if we were interested in building a pool. Nobody did or they would have had a big, fat YES. Thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 18:52:01 +0000

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