Watching this was maddeningly frustrating for me. 50% of this was - TopicsExpress


Watching this was maddeningly frustrating for me. 50% of this was spot on, the other 50% was completely misinformed. So if you follow my page, its obvious by now that Im a proponent of personal responsibility and am more than a little irritated that this particular aspect of the equation is NEVER brought up in conversation. So yeah, I totally agree with this guys assessment that there are in fact two problems. 1) What police and racism have done to the black communities 2) What black communities continue to do to themselves. #1 is very well covered in the news and very much talked about, which is good. #2, not so much. Hes right about that. Racist shit happens, black people respond by rioting and destroying THEIR OWN neighborhood? WTF? I could understand going to the neighborhood of your perceived enemy and destroying it. I dont condone doing that, but at least it would make sense. Where I disagree is with his assessment that slavery and civil rights fixed racism and that beyond that, theres nothing else we can do but accept the remnants of that period as reality and suck it up. This is total BS. Its still a big problem and still needs to be fixed. The bit about cops pulling over black men because of greater odds of finding something illegal being our fault is BS too. Cops should only pull over people who have done something wrong or that they have direct reason to be suspicious of. For example, a nearby gas station robbery and your car matches the description of the criminals vehicle. Or youre swerving at night. Or you ran a red light. This guy is arguing that racial profiling is OK and that we deserve it because so many black dudes have been caught... either that or hes saying that its BS, but we should accept it anyway. In either case I disagree. I appreciate his sentiment of taking responsibility and trying to correct those who are doing crime, but I will never agree that it is anyones duty to accept racial prejudice just because some stereotypes are true sometimes in some situations. That never gives anyone justification for assigning that stereotype arbitrarily to all black people and acting on it. So my stance continues to be that BOTH of these issues are serious problems and both need to be addressed. There needs to be some serious changes made to our police, government, businesses, and the general population in terms of how we think about institutionalized racism. Those convos need to be had and taken seriously. The one that gets swept under the rug by black people, at least in terms of public outrage and acknowledgement, is the personal responsibility. Its one thing to have a convo about police shooting unarmed people who commit non-violent crimest. Death is in no way an appropriate punishment for stealing cigars or shoplifting a can of soda. I 100% agree with that. But I also agree that its a problem that there is zero discussion about the kid shoplifting in his own community and hurting his own people.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 12:34:59 +0000

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