Watchmen The Great Wall of China, almost 4000 miles long, took - TopicsExpress


Watchmen The Great Wall of China, almost 4000 miles long, took many years to build. But it was worth the effort to keep out the invading armies from the North. However, even after the wall was completed, China continued to be invaded. Did the armies go over the wall? No, the wall in places is 25 feet tall. Did the armies go around? No, again the wall is 4000 miles long. Did they go through the wall? No, the wall is 9 feet wide. How did they get in? They bribed the keeper of the gate. The Bible says in Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life (NIV). The gate keepers job was to check the input into the city. If he allowed the wrong kinds of persons then the whole city would be defiled. The heart the bible says is the place where wellsprings of life flow from and thus we are to guard with all diligence what we allow into it. What kind of input are you allowing into your heart? What are you listening to and what are you watching? What kind of things are you entertaining? Many times we alow small ungodly things into our heart in the form of entertainment and we think nothing of it. We justify ourselves by saying its just entertainment and i wouldnt go out and do the same. What we dont realize is that slowly we are allowing the enemy to corrupt our hearts and soon you begin to see the effects of it. No one can guard your heart for you. Each of us is the gate keeper of our hearts. When we cried out to Jesus he came in and forgave us of all our sins and saved us. Now the Holy Spirit resides in our hearts strengthening us and protecting us from the devil. Many of us negate His work because we allow the enemy in through what we watch, what we listen to and places we go to. So as the watchman, what will you allow into your heart today? Practical Application Guard your heart with all deligence for from it flow the issues of life
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 03:00:47 +0000

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