Water! Water! Water! It is imperative that you drink water on - TopicsExpress


Water! Water! Water! It is imperative that you drink water on your Plexus journey! It will speed up your weight loss and make you feel better. The more water you drink, the more toxins are flushed out of your body. I know I can definitely tell a difference when I do not drink the amount of water I am supposed to be drinking. You should be drinking half of your body weight in water a day! Check out this information on the importance of water and some tips to help you drink the amount of water you are supposed to be drinking. (By the way, along with myself, many of my plexus customers say that the Plexus slim makes them crave water!). How to Reach Your Daily Water Intake By Donald S. Robertson, M.D., M. Sc Incredible as it may seem, water is quite possibly the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off. Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat. Water helps maintain proper muscle tone by giving muscles their natural ability to contract and by preventing dehydration. It also helps to prevent the sagging skin that usually follows weight loss – shrinking cells are buoyed by water, which plumps the skin and leaves it clear, healthy, and resilient. Sometimes drinking our eight glasses of water a day (or whatever your goal for water intake may be) can be a real challenge. Here are some tips to help you accomplish that feat! Make it convenient – keep a big, plastic, insulated water bottle full on your desk and reach for it all day. When you have a junk-food craving, down a glass of water immediately. You feel full quickly and avoid the calories, and it lets time pass till the craving fades. Have one glass every hour on the hour while at work. When the work day is done your water quota is met. Freeze little bits of peeled lemons, limes, and oranges and use them in place of ice cubes – it’s refreshing and helps get in a serving or two of fruit. Don’t allow yourself a diet soda until you’ve had two to four glasses of water. You will find that you won’t want the soda anymore or that just half a can is enough. Carry a small refillable water bottle at all times and drink during downtime; while waiting in a bank line, sitting on the train, etc. Bring a two-liter bottle of water to work and try to drink it all before you leave work. If you don’t finish, drink it in traffic on the way home -it’s like a race. Add drinking two glasses of water to your daily skincare regimen. Drink, cleanse, moisturize, etc., then drink again.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 13:09:36 +0000

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