Water and its tribulations Of paramount importance, in the - TopicsExpress


Water and its tribulations Of paramount importance, in the general public interest and health, is the supply of good quality water.it would seem some livestock farming up country has impacted adversely on the La Nicolière dam causing immense and irreversible prejudice to downstream users in the Northern districts and Port Louis affecting as many as 350,000 people.This water polution is a serious concern-water supply has all this time not met the required physico-chemical and especially bacteriological standards for drinking water as defined in the Environmental Protection ( Drinking water standards) reg.1996.A report apparently lies somewhere in the drawers of some wise man/men who since 2010 then did not think it worthwhile to react and take remedial measures to ensure the integrity of drinking water.All those who had knowledge of this state of things and who kept quiet should be prosecuted criminally and if found guilty imprisoned.More so,when knowing this state of thing,they chose to impose the exorbitant cost of bogus and dubious bio-metric cards on the population and were embarking on the metro leger to have a last bite for the road.They should be traced and sued.Few days back many people were admitted to hospital after consuming water without chlore from PAILLES as chlore became in short supply as the wizard in charge of this supply dragged his lazy feet and did not think it wise to make sure chlore was on stock.This lazy bone should be brought to task as he has put human life at stake while he was snoring behind close doors- in fact the proper place to sleep now would be behind bars...and bars made with....Samlo steel for whatever they are supposed to be worth !!!!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:39:53 +0000

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