Water bill of Fayette Coleman, a 65 year-old retired union worker, - TopicsExpress


Water bill of Fayette Coleman, a 65 year-old retired union worker, who currently lives without water. When Fayette couldn’t climb the stairs of her old apartment anymore she had to move. She started renting her new home from the caretaker of the property who wasn’t eligible to enter a payment plan to clear his outstanding water bill so she agreed to take it upon herself after she was assured it’s only a formality. “The bill that I entered into and was paying was not my bill. It was the bill here. But, he couldn’t do it because they didn’t let him enter to a program and he asked me if I’d do it. That’s the only way I can get #water in here if I would and I said OK.” - Fayette, who lives off of a fixed $938 disability pension, had paid the $23 bills until she started receiving zero balances and thought that the property caretaker took over the payment as they agreed. Over time the Water & Sewage Department changed her water meter but she kept receiving bills with zero balance. Until one day she received one for over $7,000. Click on the photo to hear the question Fayette has for the #Detroit Water & Sewage Dept. #usa #watercrisis #right2water #DetroitWater #azdarya
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 18:28:20 +0000

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