Water crown The Esther Blessing chapter titles, compelling - TopicsExpress


Water crown The Esther Blessing chapter titles, compelling quotes Your Lord created you to reign with him. Be blessed with the assurance: He will bring it to pass. Be blessed to cooperate in the lifelong process of training for reigning, as you continually receive, conduct and release his grace. 1 - Created to Reign Reigning in life isnt about suffering defeat after defeat here on earth, only to die and wake up in heaven wearing a crown. 2 - The Emperor Has No Control In our spirit, our innermost being, we yearn to be who we were created to be - and we were created to reign. Yet when we act from our soul, rather than submitting soul to spirit, were easily duped into settling for the counterfeit. The Esther story makes abundantly clear: Getting the royal treatment does not equal reigning in life. 3 - Reign of Terror It takes only one narcissist to wreak great havoc in a family, a company, a community or a country. The greater the position of authority that person holds, the farther the chaos extends. The fog emanating from the one creates an atmosphere of envy, competition and division among all. 4 - Seeing the Unseen The story the Esther writer tells is true. But also, it is a parable. The Father included this historical account in his Word to teach us the unseen by showing us what is seen. Brilliantly, the Lord accomplished what a psalmist described, O my people, listen to my instructions. Open your ears to what I am saying, for I will speak to you in a parable. I will teach you hidden lessons from our past - stories we have heard and known, stories our ancestors handed down to us (Ps. 78:1-3 NLT). 5 - Living in the Flow Grace is what continually flows from the Father in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit, empowering everything of eternal value that anyone ever becomes and does. 6 - Grace Flows Down Grace continually flows from God. It does not flow physically or visibly. We all understand that. But we may not know: Grace flows Spirit to spirit. 7 - Grace Like a River The outward flow of grace impacts lives in a multitude of ways we rarely see or think about. And just as water and electricity require conductors to flow, so does grace. 8 - Real Royalty The royalty our Lord confers is not of this world. We may mistakenly think that means Gods kingdom cannot operate here. But no. The world is subject to the kingdom. 9 - Grace Rising You release grace by applauding the Giver, praising and thanking him with your lips and your life. Epilogue: Audience with the King Esther interceded with a pagan king on behalf of a condemned people. You and I can intercede with the King of Kings on behalf of a condemned world. Excerpts from The Esther Blessing: Grace to Reign in Life, by Deborah P. Brunt. © 2013 by Deborah P. Brunt. All rights reserved. Grace flows Grace Grace is what continually flows from the Father in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit, empowering everything of eternal value that anyone ever becomes and does.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 10:14:08 +0000

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