Water – Natures weight loss prescription. We hear a lot about - TopicsExpress


Water – Natures weight loss prescription. We hear a lot about water and how important it is. However, while many of us know it’s important, we may not realise why it works the way it does and how much it can help us on our weight loss journey. Simply drinking extra water helps our body metabolise fat, it helps suppress our appetite, and helps us retain less fluid. It is possibly the single most important key for weight loss & weight maintenance long-term. Why? Water naturally suppresses the appetite and helps the body metabolise stored fat. Studies have shown that decreasing water intake causes fat deposits to increase, while increasing water intake can actually reduce fat deposits. The kidneys can’t function properly without enough water – when they’re not working to capacity, some of their load is dumped on the liver. One of the liver’s primary functions is to metabolise stored fat into energy for the body. However, if the liver has to do some of the kidney’s work, it cannot operate efficiently; this results in less fat being metabolised and more fat remaining stored in the body…therefore, weight loss stops. Drinking enough water is the best treatment for water retention. When the body gets less water, it perceives this as a threat to survival and begins to hold on to every drop. Water is stored outside the cells, showing up as swollen ankles, feet, legs and hands. ‘’Water tablets’’ offer a temporary solution at best. They force out stored water along with some essential nutrients. The body perceives a threat and replaces the lost water at the first opportunity. Thus, the swelling, or bloating, quickly returns. The best way to overcome water retention is to give your body plenty of water. Then, the water is released naturally. If you have a constant problem with water retention, excess salt may be to blame. Your body will tolerate sodium only so much. The more salt you eat, the more water your system retains to dilute it. But getting rid of unneeded salt is easy – just drink more water and the sodium gets eliminated through the kidneys. Water maintains proper muscle tone by giving muscles their natural ability to contract and prevents dehydration. It also helps to prevent the sagging skin that usually follows weight loss. Shrinking cells are kept afloat by water, which pumps the skin and leaves it clear, healthy and resilient. Water helps rid the body of waste. During weight loss, the body has a lot more waste to get rid of. All that metabolised fat is changed to water and must be “flushed out.” Despite knowing the benefits of water, many of my clients tend to find it “hard” to drink enough throughout the day. Try to figure out strategies that will trigger you to remember to drink your water – FOR EXAMPLE, keep a bright water bottle on your desk throughout the day; keep cold water bottles in your fridge at all times; add a few lemon slices to the water for a better taste; set a timer to go off every hour in order to drink a glass of water. Eventually, once your body is used to being well hydrated, it will begin to’’ ask’’ you for the adequate amount of water through thirst. Your body will respond to any increase in fluid – start small and build yourself up to get at least 2 litres of water each day. Your weight loss journey will be that much more efficient! You will feel more energetic, less hungry and less bloated! You deserve to feel good – you CAN do this!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 10:16:35 +0000

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