Waxing philosophic on a damp Thursday morning. I was watching a - TopicsExpress


Waxing philosophic on a damp Thursday morning. I was watching a video of a really good teacher working with a really good player. The content and execution of the video were excellent. Swing thoughts and swing keys have been the predominant mode of how to play for a long time. Sadly a good swing thought will dissipate over time just like making copy of a copy. If you make a copy of a document and then copy the copy and do that over an over again eventually you get a white paper. So the philosophical question is when a swing thought is good how do we make it permanent? How do we make the good move stick and stay out of the band aid to band aid method of golf? The way I understand how our brain works is as follows. When we make the right move the memory of that move gets stored in the basal ganglia. The way I understand it if we emotionalize the success the storage is stronger more vibrant. (As I understand it that is where myelin does its thing). If we then repeat that move enough times and store it we have it. The way I read the evidence (Wikipedia and Google are amazing) shows the move gets captured very quickly, a lot quicker than golfers believe. The question is then how to retrieve that good swing from the bank. It is there, now go get it. All good golfers know they have it when they are in the zone. Here is a movie clip of what I mean: https://youtube/watch?v=ykV1z7NPr60
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 14:11:15 +0000

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