Way back at the Council of Chalcedon in 451, Mary, mother of - TopicsExpress


Way back at the Council of Chalcedon in 451, Mary, mother of Jesus, was declared to be a God-bearer. This was no small confession, because it moved the understanding of Marys role from one of a passive vessel to one as a creative partner or agent with God. It was an admission that Mary played an integral role in coming of the kingdom. What seems inauthentic to me is the continued reference to Mary as a passive vessel, that somehow Gods will simply flowed through her and she has little part in the birth narrative. How could Mary be missed? Clearly theologians who havent given birth too easily write off Marys partnership with Gods purposes. Even the great Karl Barth in a section on Mary says that she shows what a partnership with God looks like. So this Sunday, I want to frame Marys incredible story in her calling as a partner and agent of God.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 15:46:39 +0000

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