Way of The Indian. My post is too long, so I’m posting in 2 - TopicsExpress


Way of The Indian. My post is too long, so I’m posting in 2 parts Cc ... Please share. I’ve been/bin a-watching-. Part 1 of 2. Italia Living: Please share this, amazing, stuff. |1224 -pms’douchebag conservative jewish mob- c walker’s r, wis-con-sin, backdrop, republican, aka con/conservative, jewish, shown on several of his speech making- c what’d I tell y’all, the jewish interference in all things of power & wealth control, now, the heat is on. W/w: msnbc’s ANDREA MITCHELL REPORT, and boy o boy did I c/see/see plenty, stuff. period. I saw a crazed, hopping mad, sen ron johnson, ranting & raving; my first thoughts, without even look’n was, boy o boy, is he hopping mad about walker, then on pause, to make sure I get the spelling of his name correctly, I noticed he was from wis-con-sin, a con, as is walker, so no/know, |English 101/english101| wonder he was mad; his buddy, buddy was being charged with crime(s), of the mobishe type, cause they’ve been running things fer years and years, without opposition, so they boldly go where, the norm, does not go, witch/vich/-^- is to say, they willfully break law(s), doing what they want to get what they want. Period |.| as is the case with walker, and as is the case with the rest of their pack, run by conservative jewish mob principles/principals |English 101/english101|, butt/butt, ooops, that ain’t gonna work no more, cause I got more. I got and we got, Thee Mauro D’Aversa, and he knows/no’s all, any place, any where, any way . / period. Ooop, I may have missed stating the obvious, but only because it is so obvious. -fox, like the global, huge, aa&co/andsersen, enron, gm, being run ruthlessly, with their greedy, grubby hands in all pockets, to achieve their/their world wide power-hunger conservative jewish israel-russia [e.g. oil, banks, insurance rackets, etc.] control the world’s riches scheme, butt/butt, let me state it now, as the obvious, they’re/their, in the t-party/senate, of the good ol’ USA 2, acting like total assholes, being forced to -come out, e.g. fox- in their/their crazed-madness, ranting & raving cause, with cause, the doomed ill-fated gm, is dying with recalls, on mass, lawsuits {saw and ad for a classaction suit, whist watching ‘Salem’}, their men/women are being caught, for their pass criminal actions, as partners in crime, such is the case with walker, foremost ins., farmers’ insurance, aarp, |oops, aa monroe insurance, back home, their tilda, their manager, re: their last ins. scam with me, breaking their word to me, is added to my long list of insurance companies, within their insurance racket, canada-usa, etc. worldwide, think: as the standard of living in other countries improve, so does their need for insurance, but/butt, not their insurance. Don’t ferget, Global Captive Management, website: , and get control of yer own insurance, selling it to your business acquaintance/friends, making money fer yerselves, and having the funds to pay your |1249| claims, as you need them, and not b in a situation, like I am now, having yer roof leak buckets, a florida room I can not use, due to the leaking, cause my claims were not paid by aarp-farmers-foremost insurance {as is travellers, bye/bye hiding dominion of canada ins. co’s assets} racket-, yet, my claims, were legit, just like those I made to the doomed, long-gone, historical dominion of canada ins. co, butt/butt, witch/vich/-^- I proved as conservative jewish mob, started up by a jewish mobster: sir-not, john/toilet/throne macdonald, ugh-, canada’s first prime minister, = to pm harpee, an oil & insurance man,... Man o man, boy o boy, the hate me = hate crimes 2^ Heard Peter, heard Richard in iraq, too/2, butt thought first: iraq will want the technology of the USA, butt/butt nope, the dopes, they, as per Richard, don’t need it or want it, cause they got their faith, so they are essentially doomed, to the old dracon ways of old warfare over religion, so let them kill each other, and save the men & women of the good ol’ USA, and walk away. So 2 ron johnson, c/see/sea, those assholes, don’t want USA help, so leaving a task force behind/behind, at the pull out, was a dumb, decision, and leaving was a smart decision, by/bye President Obama. Ya just can’t help religious fanatics, to c/see/sea the light, such is the case with the crazed-mad conservative jewish mobsters, so just keep coming out in -their- defense, and hang yerselves: I for/4 one/1, am enjoying all the action, and I can’t wait to c/see/sea what’s up with walker, and the likes... Man o man, boy o boy, the hate me = hate crimes 2^ I saw the Queen of Soul last night, and Aretha Franklin, looks good, and I was glad to hear Aretha was feeling great too. I picked yer, “RESPECT” SONG! AND ADDED IT TO/2 MY playlists, but, will add it again to Mauro’s #2 playlist, cause, it’s all about/aboat: Respect. On msnbc’s “POLITICS NATION {in red}” with AL Sharpton, and also, to/2 note, in the sign, at the APOLLO THEATER, “SHE’S HOME, ARETHA FRANKLIN” SHOWS 7 & 10, AND YESSSSS, behind that, in the lower section of the sign, is another sign, saying, “BAADASSS SONG” {above “BAADASSS SONG” is “SWEET SWEETBACKS”, well, it LOOKS LIKE that.} , now ain’t that amazing. I kid U/u not/knot. So, I’ll add her song to this list too/2, witch/vich/-^- I will do now. It was the APOLLO’s 80th anniversary. And Al, I’m glad u got after those hoodlums, that beat up that white man. Maybe/m/b, they’ll listen when a black man, gets after them, and learn a thing or two/2. Good show! E/e. P/p: Song 7:Dinah Shore - Thank Your Lucky Stars - 1943. https://youtube/watch?v=nRZci2IUnEY&list=PL_7GICQHHz4JDDeA7DP30JBusAtZUHqJI&index=7 Aretha Franklin - Respect [1967] (Original Version) song, song 93/93 = one/1, in math. Single, on repeat: https://youtube/watch?v=6FOUqQt3Kg0&list=PL_7GICQHHz4I1ob5EyBkVK6XKkUpHupmu Mauro’s Playlist, on repeat, & Mauro’s Italian Mafia Nino D’Aversa Bakery, known worldwide, my protector, protecting me, so I can, can tell u’all aboat/aboat the cons’ jewish mobsters mob, worldwide, with their grubby hands in all that holds the power, e.g. oil, banks, insurance rackets, etc. e.g. illegal arms dealers, etc. U/u know/no. https://youtube/watch?v=6FOUqQt3Kg0&list=PL_7GICQHHz4JDDeA7DP30JBusAtZUHqJI&index=93 Togetherness: c top photo, with CHIN & Mauro, c Mauro’s kickyerass big time, roasted pig, on the table/on the table photo too/2 |English 101/english 101| Hay Mauro. How’s yer day going Loverboy. I had a greaat dream about/aboat U/u, last night/knight. Thanks fer/4 putting yer photo’s back up; a picture is worth a thousand words, making it black & white, crystal clear, over & out, etc. U/u know. I love U/u Dear. Keep up the greeaaaat work, a. Mexo... snapvaughaneast/index.php?option=com_sngevents&id%5B0%5D=162231 Italia Living: Please share this amazing stuff. |0434||0417| |0415| |0402| -out fox- ‘ed . |0233 June 18, 2014 - Bye/bye gm. Aaaasssssoooo, it’s been/bin run bye the conservative jewish mob, c/see/sea, below, at the bottom of this post. 2014 -pm harpee & is conservative/republican, some/sum, of them, jewish mob’s douchebags- It is like the rest of my posts, a root’n, toot’n, post. Hi Sweetheart {My Sweetheart, Mauro D’Aversa, Italian Mafia, world wide, boss of bosses! & the protector of me & mine, witch/vich/-^- includes, my cousin, Dr. David Swan, project leader of -gm’s electric car- c/see/sea HBO’s docudrama, “Who Killed the Electric Car”, and it was, and is, mayhem: -ouch- } next, |0322| to take care of fox news: guilt by association, as a staunch republican news channel, it is reasonable to suspect, they too, are driven bye -pm harpee & his conservative/republican, some/sum of them, israel-russia jewish mob’s douchebags- , so it is no wonder, they ain’t in the know/no, and therefore/their 4, fox has been/bin targeted to be locked out of new info, whereas, it should and must go first^^ to trusted Liberal news venues, such as, to CNN, msnbc, etc. first. Fox had 2 chances to mention me, by/bye interviewing, Hillary Clinton, and bye not asking Hillary Clinton, about/aboat, the topic of the day, ObamaCare, in witch/vich/-^-, President Obama took a radical move, and took out the infamous clause, -their pre-existing condition-, thereby/theirbye, in fact, fining the american insurance industry, so they shore/shore didn’t wanna have my story, brought to light on their fox channels. Were they ordered bye superiors not to ask Hillary Clinton about/about ObamaCare, or are they, the interviewers, cons’ jewish mob, as in: bye -pm harpee & his conservative/republican, some/sum of them, israel-russia jewish mob’s douchebags- = . |period| |.| | | {}, the null set. fox has been/bin targeted to be locked out of new info, whereas, it should and must go first^^ to trusted Liberal news venues, such as, to CNN, msnbc, etc. first. cause it only makes sense/cents, so they cannot capitalize on it, by/bye any way or means/means, by/bye warnings to their/their culprits, and/or bye/bye earning a profit, witch/vich/-^- wood/wood defeat the purpose of my call, to alert y’all & u’all, to the fact that a crazed, mayhem, nutty, bizarre, religious fanatic group, controlled by israel-russia conservative jews’ mob, are drug-trafficking, illegal arms dealers, murders, with nothing butt/butt, criminal intent, witch/vich/-^- have already wreaked havoc on this earth, all because I reported drug trafficking, by the chief of police for springhill, ns canada, witch/vich/-^- I spotted, taking place on main st. whist I was taking my lunch breaks, {watching them over weeks} from my micro-computer teaching duties at nova scotia community college, |nscc-cc| cumberland campus, only to further learn, those douchebags, did in fact, include their rcmp, witch/vich/-^- was canada’s national police force. That resulted me & mine, to be sought after, and attacked anyway they could, to hit at any financial livelihood me & mine had, then later, their dominion of canada ins. Co. refused to come to a legitimate insurance claim, witch/vich/-^-, cause an oil spill on my oxford property, witch/vich/-^- they had to/2 respond to 100%, as a win, as per my legal arguments of having a collapsed foundation wall, an insurance clause having no exclusions^, then the death threats started after I insisted we go to court over it, later, I found out, my lawyers, were in fact, -their lawyers- , etc. postings of mine. Note: impt note: as per my legal arguments of having a collapsed foundation wall, an insurance clause having no exclusions^ Exclusions/exclusions, -their most famous exclusion clause, is the infamous pre-existing condition, witch/vich/-^-, voids many a claim -ouch-, so bye a fine, President Obama, has removed that clause, and fox & friends, has been/bin, fighting the success of ObamaCare, cing/seeing/seaing, the writing on the wall: insurance as we know it, is finish, over and out, done with, ka ka put... Asking about/aboat ObamaCare, not/knot asking about ObamaCare, is a win win for us butt/butt fox & friends did the obvious, and left it out, and has gone after ObamaCare, e.g. hospitals in NC, I believe, refusing ObamaCare, will result in no/know federal money, so eventual shutdown of their hospitals, will result, not may result, will result! Cc {a rep. Rep, spoke out about/aboat this latest problem on msnbc, last night/knight, alerting y’all of the lengths with which/witch/vich/-^-, they will stoop to/2, to keep their douchebag ins. industry going,{ |0422 update|, on msnbc, “All In With Chris Hayes, 11-12 -pms’, @ 1136 -pms’- last night/knight, rep. Candidate fer/4 Gov’nor, David Vitter, speaks out, and will expand Medicaid if gov’or, butt/butt, unfortunately, that m/b too/2 late, whist some hospitals will be/b closed, prior to elections of a gov’nor, being the sad downside of -time-, re AP published article by/bye Melinda Deslatte, June 16, 2014, all of witch/vich/-^- hurt those that need health ins. [ObamaCare, is available for those who couldn’t get insurance at any cost, cause, with cause, President Obama, has kicked their asses, and has removed the infamous: preexisting condition, so ya can, can get health insurance coverages, witch/vich/-^-, is a very good thing, ain’t it Honey; Mauro’s my yyeeeessss man, and he says, “Yes Honey, that’s right for sure/shore. Ain’t he sweet. What a man. {Ha... coming into my class to check out the teacher, he heard/herd so much about/about. Pssst: I think, he loved, what he saw. MMMM.}Ooo, and the msnbc show, “The |0434| Rachel Maddow Show” , showed her, Rachel Maddow, kick -foxbutt-, big time. Ha! Boy o boy, I loved that. E/e .] {some ins. Co. Are getting wise, and approx. 15 ins. Co. Have requested to add their names, to the list of offerings, to the ObamaCare fer/4 2015, witch/vich/-^-, is another noteworthy success of ObamaCare. I’ll c/see/sea iffin I can find the chaps’ name. But/butt, Mauro will know it; Mauro knows everything/everything, and I mean/mean, everything. } He’s the man/man. |-aarp-foremost-farmers’ insurances: my roof is dripping, a river, from an insurance claim I made, butt/butt of witch/vich/-^-, -they would/wood not cover, = dominion of canada ins. Co. Now defunct.| |0447| Yessss, we will get you, anytime, anyplace, andwhere, anyway/whey, etc. e, So there/their |English 101/english101|, ain’t that right/wright Mauro, MMMM. snapvaughaneast/index.php?option=com_sngevents&id%5B0%5D=162231 |0139 ha!, June 17, 2014-pm harpee & is conservative/republican, some of them, jewish mob’s douchebags- w: comcast-time-warner-cable, so I don’t have to watch Fox to get second-hand info, since, as I have reported, them, being a known republican channel, they ain’t in the know/no no/no more, so I get to watch msnbc, channel 82, in my heart/favorites list {Yes I got some of my channels back, but not HBO yet, yet it is included in my pkg, so I guess, Terrell, Michigan ain’t gonna call me, but, someone, most likely Terrell, etc. have done something for/4 me... thanks.} C-SPAN 35 YEARS {I think this is one place foxbusiness, gets their info, but/butt y’all can, too/2.} C-SPAN 35 YEARS: OUR OCEANS, WWW.STATE.gov/ouroceans {link not working, so go here: state.gov/secretary/remarks/2014/06/227626.htm and search yerselves, eh.} and yes, it takes the Italian Mafia, to ensure, there’s/theirs a earth left for our kids, ..., and thanks to Leonardo di Caprio for donating 7M, $7 Million dollars, fer/fur: Ocean Conservation & Climate Change, as per Dr. Sala, Marine Ecologist, National Geographic {when I had money, I was a member of National Geographic, and I also added that to any resume I prepared, but iffin ya ain’t a National Geographic member {the easier way, buying their magazines, makes ya a member, and National Geographic produces some fine magazines, e.g. 1990, a spread on Climate Changes was excellent {my mother bought me a subscription for a birthday present, sometimes too/2: eh, hay, that’s a good way to get National Magazines. |NOW w: Sen. Claire (sorry didn’t catch Ms. Claire’s last name consumer Protection {like my contract fer/4 12s, witch/vich/ Dr. Mehmet Oz weight-loss products Dr. Oz Show {green tea works for me! I drink AriZona’s green tea, and it gives me energy, with its added ginseng. I drink the decaf version, and I like it best with added Crystal Light’s green tea raspberry pkg, plus their fruit punch pkg (2 qt tube pkgs in a plastic tube, witch/vich/-^- I keep, and reuse, so that will make Dr. Sala happy cause/with cause, he has cited 3 major reason for concern witch/vich/-^- I’ll briefly give |this conference, Our Oceans, should be in our educational system {I break it up into 3 parts for grades 6-8 though} grades 6 to university/college levels, as compulsory, to make better corporate citizens, fer/4 our futures.| 7 days without water, repeat/re:peat, swamp people, boggs, reeds, etc. and c a good movie showing the value of drinking water, and how, the english/england, kept the water from Hopkins, and his horse, not giving a hoot. M: Hidalgo bing/images/search?q=hidalgo+movie&qpvt=hidalgo+movie&FORM=IGRE
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 18:04:29 +0000

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