Way of The Indian & The Year of the Horse |Ooooo...| in The New - TopicsExpress


Way of The Indian & The Year of the Horse |Ooooo...| in The New Song Dynasty aka: dienasty: {... PBS playing: I love U Baby... } 2014 In 1978, my company, Arthur Andersen & Co., Chartered Accountants was known as AA&Co, for short, and here are their Canadian locations as per my handbook, in 1978, -^- was established in Geneva, Switzerland wow! Yes, it was a jewish company, but it was a great company and I loved working for them, unfortunately, it was spearheaded by the conservative jewish worldwide mob, with the odd side kicks, -^-, in learning of their cons’ israel dope drug trafficking, -drug trafficking in 1992, whist teaching computers in springhill, learning the chief of police fer springhill was allowing them to run their biz, up front, as was some of his relative cop friends, and the oxford rcmp, U know, the cons’ mob infrastructure, like the type the boss family rothschilds run on... So AA&Co. in canada: calgary, montreal, ottawa, toronto, vancouver, winnipeg, then, world wide, O AA&Co. was at that time, the 2nd largest CA firm in the world. So, in the world, here’s the countries the cons’ jews had access 2: ya we’re cleaning ! 0912: Arthur Andersen & Co. S.C., Worldwide, all proper, but now we know, -they were there all along- butt came out, after I found -them- dope dealing, dope drug trafficking in 1992, and reported same, butt, their in-place infra-structure, didn’t allow them to be put in prison, cause they was never an investigation, but shortly after I was, then later my son, Ian, and later still other family members of mine, were bombarded with rotten dirty deal tricks, backstabbing U know/no, cons’ mob stuff, so in keeping: it’s company is in fact aka arthur andersen & co. s.c., worldwide, and arthur andersen & co. chartered accountants canada, ug! 0918 earlier I noticed my latest posting on facebook was removed, so I’ll put it back in, along with this dastardly world wide infra-structure the cons’ jews’ rothschild family of mobsters developed as part of their business plan of the total domination of all things money, power and position, and yep, they got the positioning don’t they, even getting to c the Pope, butt, failing to exhibit the proper respect. Butt hay, that’s them... and whist the good guys lost their shirts, their pensions, etc. in the fall of aa&co., they didn’t cause they only moved over to cgi, and into other ca companies, world wide, in keeping with their business plans... So: argentina australia bahrain belgium bermuda brazil colombia denmark ecuador france Calling interpol, Interpol west germany greece hong kong iran ireland, republic of ireland italy ivory coast japan mexico the neitherlands nicaragua nigeria norway panama, republic of panama peru portugal puerto rico senegal singapore, republic of singapore spain sweden switzerland is the size of this powerful corporation hitting you, were you or yours in a loss due to them f’ning you over MMMMmmmm... they are now, the walking dead ! 2 continue... just a thought ... turkey look at this: united kingdom, aka uk united states in every state 2, yikes ! ussr just in moscow in 1978 butt they grew, after I left, I’m shore... venezuela so, that aa&co worldwide shut down, all thanks 2 them, most certainly hurt the world economy, and lots of pocketbooks, and there wood b no piece of mind, either ! and here is where I received a wonderful Jewish education, butt, I am shore they were there 2, in 1978, butt not now, 4 shore ... cause I kick up a world wide ruckus on the world wide web, in what ever newspapers I could, e.g. The Chronicle Herald |although, 2 black thumb prints covered each corner of my ads once| and then of course/coarse, I called the mob, -^- wood be, the Italian Mob, in the teaching area, -^- I loved so much, 2 THE NINO D’AVERSA BAKERY LTD., WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO, CANADA, A NEW LIBERAL AREA, and then, Thank God, I met my sweetheart, THE MAURO D’AVERSA, c his photo of his opening a new location in Maple. So, I AM alive, and here to tell ya the ghastly, dastardly, diabolical dirtbag scumbags world wide domination to rip us off, and put money in their pockets, so they could build their infra-structure world wide, -^- would help them to get even more powerful, and 2 get -position- so that the head family, the rothschilds, can can, continue to rip us all off, so that is why they stick out like sorethumbs, cause they got, what they wanted: position... center for professional development, 1405 north fifth avenue, st. charles, illinois snapvaughaneast/index.php?option=com_sngevents&id%5B%5D=162231
Posted on: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 02:58:35 +0000

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