Way of the Indian |0518am| a sickening death to/two,2,too report^ - TopicsExpress


Way of the Indian |0518am| a sickening death to/two,2,too report^ |0226am good mourning, August 7, 2014| -ouch- not/knot again, release the entire document, re: redactions & I agree, the book ain’t a story, unless all the facts/all parts of the story, are upfront^ w I have more to add too/two,2,to & O, I love, loved yer show, TRMS, of August 6th, 2014 |0944| c |0906| Making it clear.e |0536| It’s quit’n time.e |0530||0519||0508| |5| |0449||0431| |0421| |0330| |0518am| a sickening death to/two,2,too report^ My cousin, Arnold {aka Junior} Cock died either way, at his home, or just as he reached the hospital in pictou, rr new glasgow, cons’ area. It’s a sickening story, w I learned from his sister, janet cock whist I, me, myself & I/eye, was at Junior’s funeral; janet cock, a teacher, her & her husband, sam | sam was an “infra-structure” worker, a teacher, a superintendent of schools, pictou county, con-nected to the colchester school boards, e.g. truro, sam also worked on the international scene, by/bye getting teachers into foreign lands, e.g. Thailand/thailand, etc.| |janet, came up to me, and told me, how dirty Junior was, and she went on & on, about/aboat e how filthy, how disgustingly dirty he was, and said, when he called her/bobby, and they went to Junior’s house, and he was really sick, they told him to get washed first, then they would/wood take their brother, my cousin Junior, of w I loved, to the hospital; [Junior was a quiet, would/wood not/knot hurt anybody kind guy, but/butt upon hearing/here’ing my story of douchebag don cameron/nsanimalbreeders association’s ceo, director of business, etc., he believed me, and so did his mother, Lola Cock, my favorite Aunt Lola |my Aunt Lola was fine, went bowling, and had a heart attack b 4 Junior’s death|, (although, my Aunt Emma was a favorite aunt too/to,two,2 in Shubie) but/butt Junior either died at his house, or just as he got to the hospital, cause janet said it was too late. I got away from her, as I was repulsed by/bye her coarse/course e descriptions of Junior, w it would/wood bother me anytime, but/butt, especially at his funeral. I reported this, janet’s “ disgustingly strange conduct” to ross landry, cons’ ndp minister of justice & attorney general, ns, by/bye email/emale, as well as the comments my cousin floyd cock, another “infra-structure” fit the profile type, also a friend of don cameron’s, |floyd even had don cameron come to his computerized barn, w was on the media| and as I was leaving the aftermath, get-together, and I passed floyd on my way to my car, floyd said to me, shocking me, |as if I had not/knot had enough shocking revelations with janet’s nasty, uncalled for/4 remarks about her own brother, at his funeral- - cold or what MMMM.| , “You keep showing up like a bad penny.”. Odd ain’t it. Also odd, was the fact my Aunt Lola, was having a lot of trouble with her tenants too/to,two,2, in her apartment buildings in trenton - - trenton was ross landry’s town, the cons’ npd cons’ man. Ain’t that something. But/butt it sure/shore makes me sick, to think of poor Junior and their appauling treatment of him. My Aunt Lola, stopped wanting to c/see/sea her kids, and took off at Mother’s Day. Once, whist I was visiting her, floyd showed up, and she begged him to drive her to see/sea an old friend of her’s in the hospital, but/butt he would/wood not take her. She went and bought her own car, and drove herself wherever she wanted to go.a But/butt I noted how cruel floyd had been/bin to her.e To my knowledge, no/know investigation was ever made, aboat janet/bobby’s actions/inactions & janet’s crazy comments to/too,two,2 me, whist I attended Junior’s funeral, and at the family get together, w followed Junior’s funeral. . Junior was also my brother Murray’s closest friend, as well as being cousins. Murray would/wood not go to Junior’s funeral, and Junior’s untimely death, caused a riff, between Murray and the cocks. -janet kept saying to me, “I wonder why Murray’s not/knot here.”. Murray was furious with ‘them’, but/butt citing janet, & saying, “them”. Apparently my cousin, Janice, a teacher, under nstu |nova scotia teachers’ union|, had a brain operation, has lost her short term memory, but/butt, nstu would not cover her insurance, e.g. long term disability, due to Janice being only, and get this: 97% a teacher. She was just as sweet at Junior’s funeral, as she ever was, but/butt she, due to the loss of her short term memory, could never teach again. -that’s nstu & insurance for ya’all, and guess what, my “insurance racket” lawsuit(s) will b dealing with them/those things/aliens, douchebags, scumbags, scoundrels, organized crime criminals, ... -, and I got to meet/meat e , a lot of other cousins to/too,two,2, but/butt I did learn my cousin, their brother, Ivan, was ill with cancer, as per/purr my last phone call to my mother; my mother also said “they’re all going crazy here/hear e ”.e We/wee all have suffered at their hands, those dirty rotten cons c code below/below.e |0604 am, good, mourning|e New code, |0944| August 6th, 2014, below. Notes^ ^^: Way of the Indian |0226am good mourning, August 7, 2014| -ouch- not/knot again, release the entire document, re: redactions & I agree, the book ain’t a story, unless all the facts/all parts of the story, are upfront^ w I have more to add too/two,2,to & O, I love, loved yer show, TRMS, of August 6th, 2014, as per/purr a previous post, of w, I did, agree with Rachel, to “unveil” all their dastardly deeds, all the dirty facts, all the redactions, so the public, can c/see/sea stuff/stuff. Now, a quote from the James Risen book, [Oo, I heard/herd President Obama’s speech, that America Does Not/knot Torture, anymore.e, that’s nice to/too,two,2 e hear/here, a.e] in w milt bearden, specifically said, obl, was not/knot a threat to the good old usa, more or less... whatever, and is as follows, {I meant to/too,two,2 dog ear the page, now/know I’ll have to/too,two,2 search for it. X marks the spot for/4 the milt bearden quote, from book: THE MAIN ENEMY... whatever. I will use their index to find it. Will post later today. ToDo e |0347am| Well, we/wee saw/saw, 9/11, and I can, can, tell ya’all, iffin con-gress, had had bagged the bad guys, esp nixon, in w their own congressional hearing/here’ing, came forth, lots of crimes, dirt/dirty stuff, what came out, loud and clear, real/reel clear, was, not/knot only had nixon illegally wiretapped, anywhere, anyplace, anytime, etc., butt nixon’s crimes were specifically, “organized crimes”, not just the run of the mill, douchebag crimes, butt organized crimes, and folks when it’s/its organized crime, that does include others, e.g. other countries, and I AM/am {good mourning} betting canada/harpee-type cons’ jewish mobsters, are in it/it, etc countries, etc. people, well, its... so if con-gress did their duties, me & mine, ya’all, we would/wood not/knot have had a 9/11, of w george w bush/bushes is to b blamed, along with the rest of his/theirs heinous crimes/organized crime, and thank God, I was smart enough to/two,too,2 have made my call, for protection, to the old godfather’s namesake restaurant, “NINO D’AVERSA BAKERY LTD, WOODBRIDGE, ON, CANADA”, and was lucky enough to have met Mauro D’Aversa again, w I AM/am sure/shore, they wiretapped my houses – all of them. -ouch-, so, we wanna also here/hear any good stuff, the cia director as per/purr his taping of con-gress, may have too/to,two,2. Thus, once I made the call, things got even worse, but/butt, I AM/am here/hear to tell ya’all aboat it.e |0252am| Good morning/good, mourning. | I am betting they got, and used a lot of juicy stuff, from my house(s), butt we’all, including me, myself & I/eye, know/no for a certainty, had nixon’s cons, been/bin stopped & put in prison, as a c ‘’ mobster, george w bush, would/wood not/knot have been/bin in charge, therefore, 9/11, would/wood not/knot have ever happened. Butt 9/11 happened, and more 9/11 campaigns, will happen, if ya’all keep putting the cons’ back in power. -ouch- e |0257am| Thanks Honey.a Ooo, and that cons’ book writer gal, on CSPAN2, wanted freedom of information, and so do/due I/eye, a. [Reporter, Steve Kornacki, a good story, and I like yer style. Keep up the good work. Aaasssoooo get those embarrassing situations taped, etc. out of the black/cuts, & skip the good faith, and let’s get all the low-down dirt, stuff, whatever..., right Rachel, right Steve, yeessss, right, right/write,wright |English 101/english101},|, . ] Heard/herd e SEN. MARK UDALL (D-CO) INTELLIGENCE CMTE., Re: The Missing INK, SEN. Mark Udall, makes excellent points, so, everything upfront, a/e. whatever... |0313am it’s/its bedtime for/4 me| Now/know do/due ya’all c/see/sea y the wanna kill me. C/see/sea c below, the new version: c { @ 0944 -p’s- August 6, 2014}, below. |Hay, the good news is, con-gress, has had “insurance racket” dealings/deal.| gps: organized crimes, george w bush’s/bushes private’s/privates’ “ joint-ventures’ organized crimes”, oil companies & auto manufacturers & insurance companies; e.g. their campaign, earlier this evening, @ 7, I watched Restaurant: Impossible, about the Sweet Tea’s Restaurant and Catering, in Pineville, NC, in the good ol’ USA/usa and Robert pointed out, their failure to get customers, was the fact they were not/knot e on gps. Wellllll, that will/will do it MMMM. I for one/won,1 made complaints to ford aboat their gps, w actually gave up the ghost, at the same time as did the car’s warranty. C/b software update, and it got turned off, cause, with cause, ya’all, me too/two,to,2 can not/knot trust the: c c s . e.g. being on the gps, is impt. And it can not/knot be con-trolled by/bye c’s c/see/sea, what I mean {I mean, I really am mean, so put them in the slammer, where they belong, a} Furthermore, here/hear is what I think of -them cons’ nixon, & their boss, george w bush/bushes’ private stuff/privates: $%#@^%$&^&*(&^T%R$E^((JUGT^FEBN
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 10:29:13 +0000

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