Way to go, Cavuto, for dishing up a dose of truth! Neil Cavuto - TopicsExpress


Way to go, Cavuto, for dishing up a dose of truth! Neil Cavuto responded today, in a powerful opening statement, to Obama’s latest attack against the First Amendment and freedom of the press. Obama, fresh from using the NSA to spy on the Associated Press and James Rosen, a FOX News reporter, is back to attacking one of his favorite targets, FOX News, the only major network who doesn’t completely work for the Obama regime. See text below for Cavuto’s response: FOX News didn’t all but say you can get something for nothing. You did. FOX News didn’t come back years later and say, “Oh yeah, we did raise some taxes.” You did, just the other night. Here’s where you are right about FOX News, however, Mr. President. We were on this very early. We can do math, and did. You cannot and did not. We said it and proved it. You didn’t and we’re suffering for it. Take it from the numbers guy here at FOX. Numbers don’t lie. The number of Americans working part-time and nervous, the number of retirees days away from being dumped on exchanges, and anxious. The number of company bosses with news to pass along on those exchanges, still clueless. The number of doctors who want out. The number of congressmen opting out. No, Mr. President, none of those numbers lie, but with all due respect, sir, I can only conclude, you do. I know, I know, I know, you hate us at FOX, but please, please, look in a mirror and fast. You think we’re the skunk at your picnic, but that does not mean we are the ones that stink, because that smell account isn’t coming from the folks reporting on your law. Mr. President, that smell is your law.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 04:13:30 +0000

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