Way to go religion. Nice job Christians. This is what I mean when - TopicsExpress


Way to go religion. Nice job Christians. This is what I mean when a group relies on a book of myths that was created by a fanatical group of uneducated commoners over 2000 years ago... A 16-year old transgender kid commits suicide after Christian parents send him to a Christian therapist to proceed in Christian Conversion Therapy. He made attempts to speak to his parents who did not feel his requests were valid. It is against Gods will. Joshuas pleading for understanding lead to no avail. His parents resorted to the church to help their son deprogram his thinking. What was the result? Yes. The child chose suicide. The kicker is, the parents had no clue their son left a suicide note on Tumblr before he killed himself. The parents posted on their FB their son got hit by a truck, oblivious the news was delivered to all media outlets. Tisk, tisk, tisk...Thou shalt not lie. Deny, deny, deny. His parents told Joshua he needed to pray and pray more and God will take care of it. Tragic. Their God took care of it alright or shall we say the devil did. What happened to your answered prayers to help your son? Crickets. All it would have taken was love and acceptance as the church should have been teaching. The parents then post their son is in heaven. Lets revise their bible. Suicide is the only sin that will not be forgiven. Is Joshuas fate not burning and gnashing of teeth forever? Lie #2 by these ordained Christian parents. They are so full of shit with their belief systems. They constantly ride the fence. Luckily, I have the intelligence to know that place does not exist. No one can predict what happens after death. Only the dead knows what will happen after death and they cant speak. The constant judging that goes on with religious groups have lead to more suicides than one can imagine. I constantly preach how religion is dangerous and can infect the mind of a person. Here is an example of how dangerous it can be. If they would put the bible down and simply walk in love and acceptance of everyone their son would be here today. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2895534/Heartbreaking-suicide-note-17-year-old-transgender-girl-DELETED-Tumblr-page-candlelit-vigils-held-honor.html
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 02:58:41 +0000

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